Balkans-Palermo illegal immigrants. Uncle: "6.000 euros for residence permit then …"


A criminal axis that was interrupted by the Carabinieri Information Unit of the capital and which also involved the judiciary and the military forces. Order of other countries, leading to 17 inmates.

'transnational organization, especially one that operates in Palermo had as key figures Fatmir Ljatif, a basketball player in a series of wheelchairs after a (criminal act in Macedonia pointed out the investigators) and Giuseppe Giangrosso. Driton Rexhepi eDriton Rexhepi played a non-secondary role. The main objective, that of recruiting at any price foreign nationals coming from the region of Kosovara, makes them enter Italy under the pretext of working in a fictional company, then to leave the country in possession of a license stay.

Ljatif and Giangrosso intercepted by investigators inside a Nissan implement their criminal plan by meeting a suspect, Dario Vitellaro

Those subject to the housing regime reportedly have regained their freedom of movement and need money at all costs. Vitellaro would have the function of finding the right company. But a decisive role still emphasized by the investigators was made by Fatmir Ljatif.

"He has a regular company – emphasizes Giangrosso, he told me we can do it right away, but two of you and three, he repeated many times because it puts us down and people, we also provide them unemployment ". An organizational machine that first worried Giangrosso about the possible stay of foreigners. " They want to go or stay in Italy" Giangrosso asks Macedonian. This would have rebadured Palermo that after obtaining the permit they would have gone elsewhere and they would have pocketed the amount. It is at this moment that the Macedonian brings his uncle into the business, with the task of procuring the Balkan people.

"I asked 6000 euros per person, for the 3000 pbadport and over" . The uncle would say to his nephew. The procacciatore continues "How many people? " and his nephew would have reiterated 100 people as a business. That is what the investigators of an existing company claimed and for which it had been paid in advance for its establishment. On the name and the place where the investigators insisted on several occasions, they have not been unbuttoned since the investigations continue.

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