Banca Imi calls for caution on Italian corporate bonds


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<p>  Banca Imi badigns a neutral opinion to the obligations of Italian companies, who will have to face a difficult situation in the second In the first half of this year, corporate bonds will continue to be exposed to an expansion of the BTP and a high market volatility due to three factors: the first element concerns the biggest country risk after the formation of the new government in Italy. ECB purchases as part of the quantitative easing program, while the third element concerns fears of a possible economic slowdown </p>
<p>  There are however some elements in favor of bond spreads. 39, Italian companies for Some of the growth in the collection of Pir tax savings plans (albeit slower than in 2017) and the extension of the purchase plan, although reduced, could be partly supported. At the end of 2018 "In this context, we generally confirm a revaluation of the corporate bonds we cover, also taking into account the strong revaluation that took place after the increase in the BTP spread", indicates The report. In more detail, Banca Imi's judgment is a buy-in for Cnh industrial <span clbad= Eni Fca Italgas and Salini . While the bonds of Moby and Prysmian are sold . [ad_2]
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