Banks: In Italy, fewer branches of Cyprus – Last hour


(ANSA) – MILAN, JULY 21 – In Italy, bank branches
smaller and smaller (10.3 versus 13.2 in Europe) with
only 7.4 agencies per 1,000 companies against a European average
8.7. A review of the first union Cisl is an investigation
which emphasizes that it is "discouraging to see that we are still
worse than Cyprus, which has 9.5 branches per thousand businesses "
Secretary, Giulio Romani "the statistics, stirred by the
Italian banks and the same vigilance to make us believe that
it is still necessary to reduce the number of bank branches,
they seem to be those of Trilussa "because" it is said that we have 4,5
branches every 10 thousand inhabitants while the euro zone is at 4.2, but
it is not said that in the Mediterranean region the average is five. "


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