Bannon launches the European populist international. He will call himself "The Movement"


<img src = "" alt = "Steve Bannon [19659002] Steve Bannon would be ready to challenge George Soros and unleash a right-wing revolution in Europe.This is reported by the American website Daily Beast in a long article in which, quoting Bannon directly, explains that Donald Trump's former strategist is about to launch a foundation in Europe to strengthen European rights.It will be called The Movement, and, according to Bannon's website, it hopes that it will become "the guide of a right-wing populist uprising across the continent from the elections to the European Parliament next spring ". [19659005TheMovementexplainedBannerisbetweentopopulistsandtheremaybea"centralsourcecordofferingsanddirectcommunicationidentifyingindividualswhoareabletodeveloppoliticalpoliticsbademblingpoorproductsionsdudroitquiserépandentàtraversEuropedansdenombreuxcbadansstructurespolitiquesprofessionnellesoubudgetsimportants"Bannonveutorganiserces"mauvaiseshumeurs"etlesstructurerPourquoiBannonl&#39;imagineDoesilcommeunmouvementanti-SorosL&#39;?ambitiondel&#39;ancienconseillerduprésidentaméricainestquesonorganisations&#39;opposeàl&#39;impactdel&#39;OpenSocietyofSorosquifinancedepuis1984lesbataillesculturellesetcivilesEnbreflesdeuxAméricainsontdécidédesebattresurleterraindelapolitiqueeuropéenne

Relations Bannon with the European right

Last year, Bannon had talks with Nigel Farage and members of the National Front Marine Le Pen (recently renamed National Rally) in the West with right-wing groups across the continent. , the Hungarian Viktor Orban and the Polish populists in the East, until Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, which Bannon says has pushed the alliance with the 5-star after hours of talks. According to what Bannon told the Daily Beast, what he imagines is a right-wing "supergroup" within the European Parliament that could attract up to a third of the parliamentarians elected in the European elections next May.

The goal of the populist blockade

A populist bloc, explains the paper, which, though it was consistent and strong, could "seriously interrupt parliamentary processes and guarantee Bannon tremendous power within even movement, because that would be his glue. " The headquarters of the Movement should be in Brussels, where the populist front will start recruiting staff in the coming months. It is expected that there will be at least 10 full-time employees before the 2019 election, along with a survey expert, a communications officer, an office manager and a researcher among the positions. The plan is to move them to more than 25 people after 2019. As long as the project succeeds

A success that would primarily benefit Trump, who recently defined Europe as an enemy of the United States. By weakening the European institutions, it would be much easier for the American president to position himself as the main interlocutor of the West in international relations.

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