Bargiel, K2's first ski run; Crown at the top of Gasherbrum I / The dead on the Matterhorn.


Here are the latest updates on the K2 climbs: congratulations to Gianpaolo Corona who reached the top of Gasherbrum I.

Bargiel, K2's first ski run; Crown at the top of the Gasherbrum I / Identification of the dead at the Matterhorn

K2 : Many mountaineers and sherpas are already at the top of the K2. Almost all the Seven Summit Trek expedition led by Ali Sadpara. At the top also the young and fast Jake Meyer who stopped a few days ago a few meters from the summit of Broad Peak. Also the super skier Adrzej Bargiel, supported by Janusz Golab, reached the top and made the first full descent on K2 skis. Descent chose a route made pbading almost all the way (cesen, abbruzzi, magical line, polish) from 8 am and stopping for a stop due to the lack of visibility of Camp 3. It took 8h for over 3600m of

No one had ever succeeded in the business despite several attempts in the past (also Kammerlander). The Furtenback Adventure expedition (along with Strang, Roske and leader Striemitzar), after the success on Broad Peak, will attempt the summit the following week. Poci are still trying attempts at the top of Nanga Parbat, Broad Peak, and the concatenation of Gasherbrum I and II by Masha Gordon

Gianpaolo Corona managed to reach the top of Gasherbrum I. With Luis Stitzinger (GER) and David Klein (UNG) they reached the summit also called Hidden Peak of 8068m in pure alpine style. They gave up the other members of the team of their respective companions namely Mario Vielmo, Alix Von Melle and Suhajda Szilárd

Here is the message appeared on the Facebook page of Gianpaolo Corona:
"Tuesday reached C3 At 7100 m, we are hit violent and unexpected storm.The others decide to come down.With Luis, we decide to wait, give us a chance.Yesterday at 14 pm local in Pakistan, I reached the top "I'm in the BC, tired but happy."

Corona, an alpine guide, is at his seventh eighth a thousand, all conquered in the alpine style without oxygen and high altitude carriers (Makalu, Nanga parbat, Lhotse, Broad Peak, GII, Dhalaugiri). Even the Germans and Hungarians have climbed eight thousand, David Klein, whom we remember at Shisapagma this spring, engaged in the search for Bojan Petrov, should instead move to the nearby K2 to reach the Madison expedition.

GASHERBRUM IV : Hervé Barnbade and David Gottler reported that they had acclimated after spending even nights at 7100m. They will attempt to reach the summit of the eastern side of the shining mountain, which they do not know, so as not to interfere with the Oriol Baró Spanish expedition which has the objective inviolable Pilastro Sud, already tried twelve years ago by Baro himself accompanied by Marc Toralles, Roger Cararach and Iker Madoz.
Adam Bielecki, a veteran GI conqueror, announces that he is heading directly to the inviolable G7 thus abandoning the idea of ​​mounting to the GIV function […]

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