Bari Court, obstructionism to the decree: "Choice of company close to the clan".


The court of Bari is in danger of moving to a building belonging to a contractor considered close to mafia circles in order to lend money to what is calls the alleged cashier of the clan Parisi . This is written Repubblica which, retracing the profile of the entrepreneur Pino Settanni (among other things defined by Gianpaolo Tarantini "the only friend") recalls that – after a study of market – the Ministry of Justice signed a contract with the company Sopraf (of Settanni) for a figure around one million and 200 thousand euros a year until 2024 And now, for the first administrative act of the government Tale that arrives in Parliament after the establishment of the executive, the first conflict between the majority and the l & # 39; opposition takes place. On the one hand the oppositions – the Pd in the lead – who demand a postponement of the vote of the decree, which the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede reports to the House and cries out " Honesty, Honesty which is obviously inspired by what the parliamentarians of the Cinquestelle have done so many times.A question that the two under-secretaries of justice at the Chamber ( Vittorio Ferraresi of the M5 and Jacopo Morrone of the League) did not specify to remain silent for the duration of the debate After a debate of one hour during which the decisive intervention of the Minister of Justice was solicited, Bonafede wrote on Facebook that "further studies" will be conducted.A statement that, if possible, again raised the tension up to what he has achieved is a real fight in the hemicycle with a physical confrontation in the deputies of Brothers of Italy and Lega . The slaps were seen stealing, resulting in the suspension of the work of President Fico. Meanwhile, Democratic Party banks raised the cry: "Resignation, resignation!"

Undersecretary Vittorio Ferraresi had just begun to speak, in fact, claiming to have "heard in this House serious inaccuracies, some of which even have a criminal weight, each of which badumes a responsibility." that triggered the reaction of the opposition. Emanuele Fiano (Pd) asked President Fico to " formally recall the under-secretary who threatened the deputies. He's not here to be a prosecutor, and he's not allowed to threaten. "Meanwhile, however, a battle began right between the IDE deputies and the League." Fico recalls Marco Silvestroni and another MP, and the clerics intervene to separate the fight in They steal slaps and punches and at the end the session is suspended

Bonafede answers on facebook: "I am going to investigate"
Bonafede finally communicated to the House or by his under-secretaries, but on Facebook The Guardian of the Seals badures that "the procedure of identification of the goods intended to shelter the judicial offices of Bari was carried out in its entirety respect of the rules of public way and totally transparent, "adding that" the commission won which got the highest score and all checks established by law were started . After the article of Republic the minister asked "a deepening deepening ". "I remind everyone – concludes Bonafede – that the decree-law in question in the House does not concern the attribution of the building but the suspension of terms to allow

Oppositions: "No, he must come to the hearing room"
Statement – read in the House by the leader of the Liberi and Uguali Federico Fornaro – no appeased the oppositions, indeed, they raised other protests. "It seems worthy – supports Alessia Morani the Democratic Party – that we are here to discuss and to strongly ask the government intervention in the House, meanwhile there Bonafede make statements on the merits of our discussion? To restore the dignity of the discussion, call Bonafede here and clarify this property that suits us. "And he increases the dose Jole Santelli (from Forza Italy):" It's a slap for Fico and for the House by a government of Strangelove. "The interventions of the deputies of Brothers of Italy

The obstructionism of oppositions
Previously the request of reference to the end was rejected by M5s and Lega Now, however, the oppositions effect a real obstructionism with personal rehearsals (one minute each) until 39, that the Pontiff Bonafede does not come to the Chamber to give an account A choice announced by Forza Italia with Pierantonio Zanettin former lay member of Csm . "After what happened – does he have to it – our attitude can not stay submissive "and announced his subscription to talk about all the amendments on the text.

A strategy to change also the spirit of the president Roberto Fico to whom – among others – Roberto Giachetti (Pd) had asked to gather the conference of the leaders of group so to have a confrontation with the putty Bonafede (Fico but returned to the audience room). Before the vote, President Fico said: "I think all other issues will be dealt with without any doubt."

The demand of all oppositions ( Liberi and Equuali Pd Forza Italia Fratelli of Italia ) is that there is a confrontation with Bonafede or directly in the House or in a conference of group leaders to clarify the story and remove doubts about the "surrender. The Democratic Party, along with Emanuele Fiano also called for the suspension of the review of the decree "for serious facts reported by a newspaper that invalidate the procedure and discussion of this text". The rapporteur ( Carla Giuliano of the M5) and the chairman of the Giustizia commission ( Giulia Sarti also M5s) expressed a contrary opinion on the request, which was then expressed in the House .

Sarti (M5s): "Respect for the Current Law"
During the debate none of the 5-6 undersecretaries present in the House spoke. Thus the majority answer was given precisely to the president Sarti . "I am sure that the minister will be able to make his decisions with a different management than those who have so far been deceived," he says, saying that Bonafede "has applied the current law ". David Ermini (Pd) replied: "Bonafede's defense attorney spoke." Other than the Commission's President. "Hated."

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