Bari-Paris, new flight Air France – Puglia


(ANSA) – BARI, JULY 18 – Air France returns to link Bari to Paris with five weekly flights already operational. But the first 6,000 tickets sold for the summer season convinced the airline to invest more by extending the flight throughout the winter season on a weekly basis on Saturdays. "Figures that demonstrate a tourist strength of the important territory", it was said during the presentation of the flight of Berry ter Voert Svp, who cut the ribbon with the president of the Apulia region, Michele Emiliano, the mayor from Bari, Antonio Decaro, and the president of Aeroporti di Puglia, Tiziano Onesti. "A flight that connects Bari to the rest of the world," continued Berry ter Voert. The routes operated with Airbus with a capacity ranging from 138 to 206 seats. A flight that will allow you to reach Paris in a little over two hours and Charles de Gaulle airport also other important intercontinental destinations with a transit of less than 3 hours: 43 destinations in Europe and 21 in the rest of the world including Shanghai, Bogota, Boston and Moscow. Even Apulia will be more easily accessible: no less than 77 European cities connected to Bari, with a transit time in Paris less than 3 hours, and 36 non-European cities. "Finally, Air France-Kml is back in Bari after 23 years," said Emiliano, "an important work to reconnect Bari to Paris, besides its symbolic value, is an operation from the economic point of view and tourism". the governor of Puglia. "Today, we are very proud to have a very large company like Air France Klm which allows us to connect Bari and Paris and there, as a hub, our city to the rest of the world", said Onesti. "It's an important moment, a territory and a community can grow and progress when there are relationships and the air links help us," said Decaro (1965-19002) PRIVATE REPRODUCTION © Copyright ANSA

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