Battle on the coupons, Di Maio: "I do not accept blackmail"


Rome, July 9 (AdnKronos) – It's a battle over the coupons. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, answering a question about the decree of dignity, says: "Coupons in agriculture, tourism and seasonal work are used to fight black labor." Minister of Labor and Economic Development Luigi Di Maio warns, speaking of the possible changes to the Parliament dl, that if the coupons are "reintroduced to exploit people again, then you will find an embankment, even a reinforced concrete wall of the 5-star movement. " "I do not accept any kind of blackmail or let us exploit our youth or shoot us," he attacks.
"If we want to discuss the nature for which coupons were created for specific jobs that are not at risk of exploitation – he explains – but require a specific type of daily payment, we do not have to pay for it. have never said to be against that in the government contract ". But, he warns, "one thing must be clear: we will not allow any legal form to present the coupons that leave the streets open and that will then lead to the exploitation of our young and old" .C & # 39; is the spirit with which he deals with coupons such as tackling the theme of precariousness, "says Di Maio.
"If Parliament wants to make proposals for improvements, that it is – he continues – the important thing is that you never get into the reasoning for which you say or that you exploit or reject them ". The "commitment" that I have badumed as Minister of Labor and Economic Development is to reduce the cost of labor to allow the use of permanent contracts at lower cost for businesses, "concludes he.
Tito Boeri, president of the INPS, also spoke on the subject today, and he said that "Good can be an important and very important tool" at Sky Tg24 Economia, in regards the possible reintroduction of a good job. "In Italy, when there is an abuse of something – he explained – we tend to eliminate it." We made proposals to avoid these abuses and limit the use of coupons in the right cases. ", added Boeri. it's a tool in which we handle the transaction. It is traceable, we can ensure that workers and contributions are paid, because – he concludes – we ask companies to pay compensation before the work is done.

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