Beat his wife because he's hot and wants to remove his veil: arrested in Milan


She has been subjected to beatings and humiliation since arriving in Italy in March 2016. On one occasion, the 26-year-old woman from Bangladesh was beaten and had to have an abortion. Another time, she had been beaten because, for the heat, she wanted to remove her Islamic veil. Until recent days, the man came back to beat her, in the courtyard of Via Maciachini in Milan, because he wanted to make a visit and that her husband wanted to prevent it to touch her bads.

The woman did not do it and called the carabinieri. And there appeared a story of violence never reported that lasted years for the most diverse reasons, often futile or specious: the husband, who was a dishwasher, after returning from work claimed that his wife was cooking in the middle of the night and complained he beats. She had been beaten even when she had asked her husband 5,000 euros that her family had loaned her to open an activity that the man had sold 13,000.

Collected all items, the man was arrested by the Milan police for mistreatment in the family.

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