Because Di Maio and the Ministry of Economy quarrel


Since yesterday, the Minister of Labor and Economic Development Luigi Di Maio is arguing with the Ministry of Economy for a given end in the technical report that accompanied the so-called "decree dignity", the provision The government officially came into effect Saturday which contains a series of interventions especially at work. The data at the center of the controversy is that which provides that the decree will lose 8 thousand jobs a year for 10 years, for a total of 80 thousand jobs: Di Maio denied, implicitly suggesting that it was inserted after no better

It all started with a video posted by Di Maio on Facebook on Saturday afternoon, in which he was complaining about the data, saying that for him "it had no validity". He explained that the data "appeared in the technical report that accompanies the decree the day before it was sent to the President of the Republic", denying that it was requested by a ministry. According to Di Maio, the jobs that will be lost will be fixed term and will be compensated by new permanent contracts. "This decree of dignity has against all kinds of lobbyists," said Di Maio, "I suspect that this number is a way to begin to weaken this decree and leave room for a little trouble." [19659003] On the way to Matera to celebrate our goodbye to annuities there too. Connect to the live I have news ?

Gepostet von Louis Di Maio am Samstag, 14. Juli 2018

From the minute 9.40.

The technical report, in short, is a companion document to the decrees badessing the impact on the state accounts and on the economy, and is Written by the General Office of State Accounting (RGS), an agency that depends on the Ministry of Economy. The Repubblica of today, Valentina Conte reconstructs the origin of the number disputed by Di Maio: it did not appear in the first technical report that accompanied the decree when it was approved by the Council of Ministers on July 2nd. At this time, written Republic the Ministry of Labor asks the INPS to evaluate the consequences of the rule, "as always for measures on work or pensions". The INPS provides its badessment on July 5, which does not yet contain data on lost jobs, and the department shares it with the Department of Accounting

The evening of July 11, continues Republic the head of the technical secretariat of the President of the INPS, Luciano Busacca, sent an email to the accounting office and the legislative department of the Ministry of Labor, containing the second technical report: the one with the figure of 8 thousand jobs a year, which would require more than 60 million euros per year for unemployment benefits. According to Republic the Ministry of Labor "feels the devastating impact of the table" but can not do anything anymore because the decree must be signed the next day by the President of the Republic: "they understand – they claim – that the Accounting has requested further badysis at the INPS without informing the Minister ". The Ragioneria then certified the new report of the INPS, according to Repubblica the Ministry of Labor was therefore aware.

Now, according to newspapers, Di Maio is angry at the Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria and with the technicians of his ministry, confirmed by the former leadership of Pier Carlo Padoan. "At the top of the list, the two judges of the State Council Roberto Garofoli and Francesca Quadri, head of cabinet and legislative coordination at the MEF," wrote Repubblica claiming that the M5S is considering the replace. 19659009] (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = & # 39; https: // ;; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'); [ad_2]
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