Because Huawei's 5G is so scary in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom


5g Huawei Germany United Kingdom USA

OLIVER BERG / DPA / Picture-Alliance dpa

A 5G antenna

Why are Huawei's 5G networks so scary? After the warning of the US government that had urged the allied countries not to rely on the technology of the Chinese telephone giant and on the decision of New Zealand to ban the phone operator of Using the networks produced by the Shenzhen home, the Financial Times reveals that even Germany and the United Kingdom are worried about the possibility of granting Huawei the right to do so. install 5G infrastructure.

The paper reveals that an American delegation has come to Europe to seek greater vigilance against threats to national telecommunications security and deliver an unequivocal message: as key allies of the United States, they must maintain the security of their telecommunications networks.

Because Huawei is the leader of 5G

The Washington warning comes as Germany and the UK prepare auctions for 2019 with 5G, a super-fast telecom service that will allow the adoption of a new generation of products and digital services. Huawei is the world's leading supplier of telecommunication equipment and is considered the leader in the construction of the first 5G networks in both countries, where it has performed numerous tests.

In addition to New Zealand, the United States and Australia have already blocked society for reasons of national security. According to the German newspaper, it was reported to the US delegation that the government was increasingly suspicious of Huawei's potential involvement in building the 5G national network. For the moment, however, it is still too early to say whether Berlin will ban Chinese society, despite growing concerns in the offices of the foreign and interior ministries.

Because Huawei worries the United States

The United States is concerned about the potential application of China's National Intelligence Law, enacted in 2017, which requires Chinese organizations and citizens to "support, cooperate and collaborate in intelligence activities. national. " According to US officials, the risk is that Chinese companies abroad will be called upon to conduct espionage activities.

Huawei's defense

Cui Haifeng, Huawei's vice president for Western Europe, told the Financial Times in Hamburg that the company was doing everything possible to mitigate security concerns. "In all our technology," he added, "we are always trying to put safety among the top priorities so that everything from design to products to services is safe."

In the United Kingdom, the atmosphere has changed a lot in the summer, when a center report established to review contracts with Huawei and overseen by the intelligence agency Gchq reported technical problems that pose " new risks for the Kingdom's telecommunications networks ". United ".

For those who opposed the fact that behind the European concerns there is only growing pressure from the United States, British sources have made it an issue to question this issue. is not the fact that Huawei is a Chinese company, but the way in which the company produces software and equipment that could make telecommunication networks vulnerable to cyber attacks.

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