Because Italy must maintain the road to the Atlantic. Luciolli analysis


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The forthcoming Brussels Summit is a unique opportunity for the Italian Government to reaffirm Italy's Atlantic vocation and help to determine NATO's future commitments. , with a more cautious balance in the face of challenges from the south. The Atlantic road that will lead the President of the Council on July 30, 1945-19004, to the White House, if supported by a clear strategic vision, is also one that in the current international situation can contribute not only to revive the role of Italy in NATO, but also to strengthen its weight in the European Union itself

For a "change" in the pace of foreign policy and of security, the government should resume the path laid down by the founding fathers of the Republic. courage and foresight, anchored Italy to the West, believing that national interests could be more effectively pursued through active participation in the European and Atlantic institutions, falling within the broader framework of United Nations. It is in this context that Italy has always expressed its foreign policy and participated in peacekeeping missions.

In recent years, this axiom has always been able to combine the process of European integration with a strong transatlantic link, it has been lost. The balance that has always supported the foreign and national security policy and which has based its stability in the synergy and balance of Italian action on the two pillars of the European Union and of NATO failed.

As the armed forces involved in the Atlantic Alliance missions continued to lend credence to the country, Italian foreign policy seemed increasingly unrealistic in favor of the European Union. Yet, despite the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome and the different high level positions in the European institutions, Italy is still struggling to break the deadlock. Isolation and Countering Omnipresent Carolingian Interests

However, France plays a less ambitious role within NATO, thus leaving ample room for action from Italy, which can, when of the Brussels summit and during the subsequent visit of the President of the Council to Washington, credible interlocutor for the United States to NATO and, as such, strengthen the role of Italy in the European institutions. It is indeed across the transatlantic junction that Italy can more easily regain the weight it deserves in Europe.

To this end, it should be recalled that Italy: is a founding country of the Atlantic Alliance and the EU; hosts a number of US and NATO bases on its territory among the highest in Europe; followed, more than the United Kingdom, the United States in peacekeeping operations; he is responsible for commanding the land forces of the NATO Response Force; lead the mission in Kosovo; controls the joint force command of Brunssum; it is projected with eight thousand kilometers of coast in the turbulent region of the Mediterranean; directs the newly established "south strategic center" to the Allied Command of Naples; the Center of Excellence (Coe) for Assistance to the Security Forces is being accredited; finally, it acquired important companies like Chrysler and DRS in the United States

Moreover, a strengthening of the transatlantic foreign policy would favor the industries of national defense, based in the United States, more penalizing in the context of the nascent projects and European Defense Financing. However, these elements must be supported by a strategic vision and commitments, including financial, credible. Italy comes to the top of Brussels with legitimate demands, but against Allied trends. The announced withdrawal of the troops of Afghanistan, as well as the requests of opening to the dialogue with the Russian Federation, must in any case be presented in a concerted way with the Allies: on pain of isolation and of irrelevance. More than the logic of "giving" and "having" a logic of solidarity in the Alliance. It also requires credibility in maintaining the commitments made with respect to Nati's financial, capacity and operating contributions. Commitments, some of which, see Italy still far from achieving the 2% of GDP defense targets badumed at the Wales Summit in 2014.

The two transatlantic appointments that are waiting in July the Prime Minister in Brussels for the NATO summit and the White House, it is desirable to constitute two moments of a single strategic vision. An Italy capable of reviving the Atlantic route and through it its role in the Euro-Atlantic institutions, will not only be able to pursue its national interests more effectively, but will also play a decisive role in the qualification of the tasks Born will have to face in the Mediterranean region.

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