Because social forums are full of people in red shirts


  Why social forums are full of people in red T-shirts


The demonstration of red T-shirts in Padua

A red T-shirt to recognize, identify and support those who use this clothing to be more easily identified by the rescue at sea. Today, on July 7, throughout the country, many people gather the call of Don Ciotti, national president of Libera and Abel group, and wear a red garment "to stop bleeding from humanity". Appeal to the victims of the sea, the last challenge for those fleeing war and famine and seeking a safe harbor in Europe

Red is the color of clothing and t-shirts of children dying at sea and sometimes the sea sinks beaches of the Mediterranean.
Saturday, July 7th we wear a #magliettarossa for #fermarelemorragia of humanity! @Fiorello @FiorellaMannoia @CapaSound @vascorossi

– free against the mafias (@libera_annclm) July 3, 2018 [19659011HehadaredT-shirtAylantheonly3-year-oldSyrianrefugeefounddeadontheTurkishbeachofBodrumonSeptember22015ButalsothemanychildrenescapingthewarsandfamineinAfricaThusthehashtag#magliettarossabecomesoneofthemostpopularsocialmediawhereartistsjournalistsandwritersrespondtothecallalwaysrememberingthatparticipationmusttakeplaceintherealworldaswellthanontheweb

continue to pay attention to this tragedy, as those who scream are getting more and more space, but there is a world of people who want to talk about content and solutions, "says Agi Cecilia Sarti Strada, former emergency president and author of the book "The war between us" (Rizzoli). "We are trying to discredit the work of humanitarian organizations and at the same time we say that we want to prevent people at sea from preventing them from becoming victims of the mafia and gangs, yet it is precisely these humanitarian organizations that most time, fight against organized crime and human trafficking. "

There have also been thousands of memberships of many citizens, badociations, clubs and parishes who post early in the morning, their t red t-shirts. Meanwhile, Luigi Ciotti participated in the initiative in Rome in the district of San Lorenzo with Stefano Ciafani, Legambente's national president, and Giuseppe Demarzo, coordinator of Numeri Pari

In the Mediterranean that closes ports and hinders rescue vessels, last week there were at least (at least) two hundred dead. And it is not only Italy, it is Malta, it is Europe; it's choosing where to stay between saving and dying. Saturday, July 7 I also put a #magliettarossa

– Cecilia Strada (@cecilia_strada) July 5, 2018

But even on this initiative could not Lack of controversy: "What a pity, at home, I have not even found a red t-shirt to show today …", wrote the Minister of the Interior , Matteo Salvini, sarcastically on Facebook. A comment to which the answer of Don Ciotti was not long in coming: "I wear a T-shirt Viminale, a small gesture, made with respect". "I think we need to be able to meet – said Don Ciotti, interviewed by Rainews 24 at the Libera protest in Rome – to put yourself in the shoes of others, it is important to think, to ask questions, to reason, even in diversity, to avoid these simplifications and fears towards the different that spread. "

We adhere to the day of #magliettarossa issued by @libera_annclm Saturday # 7 July We invite everyone to wear one in solidarity and close to the carrier crossing the Mediterranean on boats. We want to see many of them at the concert of #Ghilarza .

– ModenaCityRamblers (@MCityRamblers) 3 July 2018

#magliettarossa to stop the haemorrhage of humanity

– sandro ruotolo ( @ sruotolo1) July 7, 2018

Fiorello, Vasco Rossi and Saviano, Fiorella Mannoia, Carlo Lucarelli, Rosy Bindi and the doctor Lampedusa also joined the initiative. And the journalist Sandro Ruotolo, Senator Pd Monica Cirinnà and musicians like Ramblers of Modena also wear red. But to be illuminated with the same color, as reported by the Republic, will also be the colonnade of Piazza del Plebiscito and Maschio Angioino in Naples, in addition to the refuge of Gran Paradiso, for a solidarity distributed throughout the country.

possible or morally permissible to pretend not to see them. And do not save them. #magliettarossa

– Giuseppe Civati ​​(@civati) July 7, 2018

"They die, these children, while Europe is responsible for the problem of immigration – that is to say the lives of thousands of people – and not to treat him with political dignity blames those who bring help or those who want a welcoming allying security and solidarity, "wrote Don Ciotti." We must counter this hemorrhage of humanity, this rampant cynicism fueled by the entrepreneurs of fear. Modern Europe is not that. Modern Europe is freedom, equality, fraternity. Let's stop on a Saturday, July 7, and we all wear a T-shirt, a red garment, like these kids. Because putting oneself in the shoes of others – starting with those of children, who are the legacy of humanity – is the first step towards building a more just world, where we can we recognize different and equal citizens.

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