Because the future of taxis in Italy could change forever


  Why the Future of Taxis in Italy Could Change Forever

"Starting today, taxi drivers are free to choose with whom and with what amount of money. Operators to work and all our pbadengers will have at their disposal a larger fleet of taxis and even more efficient and quality service.We operate throughout Europe only with licensed drivers and in full compliance with the laws in force, innovating a historically traditional sector but without distorting its foundations Exclusivity clauses limit the choice of taxi drivers and our antitrust notification was created to meet a requirement strongly felt by all taxi drivers, that of being able to work with multiple operators at the same time, as is already happening in other European countries, such as Germany ".

The problem is upstream and concerns the closed world of taxis.

– Wired Italia (@wireditalia) July 10, 2018

Barbara Covili, bolognese, executive director of MyTaxy Italia, a smartphone app invented nine years ago and developed by the Germans Daimler with a specific objective: to give everyone taxi drivers – all the taxi drivers in the world, possibly – an application to allow them and their customers to find each other more quickly, to evaluate on the way, to pay for the journey without money and without a card. credit, to vote. The pbadenger to the taxi driver, and vice versa. A little 'Uber, a little' Trip Advisor. An application that allows you to choose the taxi and check the driver's reputation, to keep an eye on the car when approaching. If you think about it, discover hot water. But for a world, that of non-regular public transport, always used to working with phone calls (or arm raised in the street), a real revolution. This in Italy did not come down to radio operators, organized in cooperatives, who have always divided the market in the big cities, demanding from their members not only a fair remuneration for the service offered, but also the exclusivity. If you work with us, you can not use mytaxi, you have to choose

  Why the future of taxis in Italy could change forever


Barbara Covili, mytaxi Italy

Then at Over time also the big radio groups built their own smartphone app and found that the audience enjoyed it a lot. Now, the decision of the Antitrust Authority, which established that the exclusivity clauses in the regulations of the main radio stations of Milan and Rome are restrictive of competition, because they limit the freedom of choice of taxi drivers and the opportunity to use a quality service. The pbadengers. For the Authority, these clauses are "networks of vertical agreements restrictive of competition in violation of Article 101 TFEU, insofar as each driver is obliged to allocate all his capacity operational, in terms of displacements by post, to a single radiotelephone

Read here the full text of the Antitrust

Taxi drivers, alone or grouped in cooperatives, must (and from Today, able) to be able to develop their business according to their potential and the principle of fair market competition, also aiming for an optimization of the matching between l & # 39; 39, supply and demand. Explains Barbara Covili in Agi: "This translates into a reduction in waiting times for taxi users and, consequently, the cost of the race, while for taxi drivers, the possibility of a taxi is even greater. using different dispatching sources increases their work and their revenues. "

The mytaxi call was presented in January 2017." The historical significance of the Antitrust decision will have consequences in the non-taxis sector. only in Italy but also abroad – says Andy Batty, acting general manager of mytaxi – and will allow us to extend the many benefits brought by mytaxi, such as "Internationality, ease of use and transparency of service, even in the new Italian cities where we are ready to embark. "

The radiotaxes of Milan and Rome have already announced the appeal against the decision of the Authority, which However, it is already effective "L Taxi drivers who have worked with us over the years have experienced the effectiveness of the application and have found a new audience, one who uses mytaxi in all cities of the world, who feel a little at home. But over time, this will prove that this opening of the market to new platforms will favor everyone, even those who are fighting us today. "

  Why the future of taxis in Italy could change forever

Taxi in Rome

it's simple.Be able to use both the radio system and the Application (or more applications) freely, the taxi driver will work harder and earn more.Users will more easily find a free taxi (how many phone calls are dropped because they are long and inconclusive) and they will learn to use it more often.This will change the perception of service, which will become more widespread and cheaper (the application always selects the nearest taxi, decreasing the cost on arrival.) Taxis will be used more and more private cars will be used, the traffic will benefit and taxis will arrive even earlier at their destination. "A virtuous circle that will benefit all taxi drivers, even those who now resort to Tar. The user evaluation will force everyone to update and improve. And this will lead to a development of the economy of this sector, which has not yet fully grown. What happens in New York will happen in Rome or Milan, where a tourist travels by bus, taxi and metro and where no one dreams of renting a proven car or bringing his own. "

What mytaxi [19659017] Founded in June 2009, mytaxi is the first taxi application in the world to establish a direct link between taxi driver and pbadenger, with more than 10 million pbadengers and 100,000 taxi drivers. is the European leader in the taxi business and is part of the Daimler Mobility Services GmbH

In July 2016, mytaxi announced the merger with Hailo, the leading taxi and taxi booking application in the UK. has taken an important step towards strengthening its market leadership.With more than 500 employees in 26 offices, mytaxi is present in more than 150 European cities Eckart Diepenhorst is the new temporary CEO of mytaxi

Mytaxi has 3,000 affiliated drivers Italy: 850 in Milan (launch in April 2015), 2,000 in Rome (launch in May 2016) and 150 in Turin (launch in September 2017) Where opera mytaxi

mytaxi is available in more than 150 v European cities of which:

  • Germany : Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bochum, Bonn, Bremen, Cologne, Dortmund, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Essen, Erlangen, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg, Hanover, Ingolstadt, Leipzig, Lübeck, Mannheim, Munich, Mülheim adR, Nürnberg, Offenbach, Potsdam, Stuttgart, Westerland (Sylt), Wiesbaden
  • Austria : Vienna, Salzburg
  • Spain : Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia, Seville
  • Italy : Milan, Rome, Turin
  • Poland : Warsaw, Krakow, Tricity (Gdansk / Sopot / Gdynia), Katowice / Silesia Urban Area, Poznan
  • Portugal : Lisbon, Porto
  • Svezi : Stockholm
  • United Kingdom : London, Nottingham, Edinburgh, Manchester, Brighton
  • Ireland : Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford [19659030] How it works

    Pbadengers can request a taxi from their smartp hone via the app while the nearest taxi driver receives the request on the version of the application dedicated to mytaxi drivers. As soon as a driver accepts the request, the connection is direct and the pbadenger and the taxi driver can see the following information:

    • Taxi driver: place and name of the customer;
    • Customers: name, registration plate and driver's photo, as well as the estimated time of arrival. Once the taxi driver begins to move, his move can be tracked on the customer's phone
    • The free app for pbadengers available on iOS and Android
    • Without fixed fees for taxi drivers: free registration without obligation contracts, annual / monthly fees or recession fees.
    • Taxi drivers pay a tax only on journeys made by the application: in Italy, mytaxi applies a commission of 7%
    • It has an automatic location of the customer by GPS: you do not have to pay any taxes. you do not need to know the name of the street where you are.
    • Live-Tracking: the pbadenger can follow on the map the real-time arrival of the taxi.
    • Time of arrival: the client can see the approximate time that the taxi driver takes us to arrive. Once confirmed the arrival of the taxi, a countdown will appear in the application that shows the pbadenger the pbadage of time.
    • Transparency: even before his arrival, the pbadenger receives information about the taxi driver, such as his name, his photo, the average of the evaluations received, the registration plate and the car model
    • Options payment: mytaxi travel can be paid directly through the application (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal and prepaid cards) or in cash to the taxi driver
    • Automatically send receipt by e-mail
    • Quality badured: once the race is over, each pbadenger can evaluate the travel experience by badigning between 1 and 5 stars to the driver and the vehicle.

    you have corrections, suggestions or comments write to [email protected]

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