Because Trump now recognizes Russian intrusions


Donald Trump came back from a top to forget with Vladimir Putin. But amnesia will not be easy, this time, for the American president, despite the vocation to subvert the rules and expectations of diplomacy and politics. Trump, the collective judgment that resonates with opposition offices, but also between different Republicans, has pbaded the mark. was clearly outclbaded by the leader of a hostile power. seemed unprepared and weak.

To the point of being forced, just landed at home, run for the blanket and reverse the road. Meeting with reporters in the Oval Office in the evening, Trump reiterated his confidence in US intelligence agencies. And he said that he was poorly expressed, in Helsinki, on the alleged interference of Russia in the 2016 elections. He now accepts their conclusions: Russia has been ingested in the vote, but without having an impact on the result. The White House will do everything to protect the next vote in November.

Among critics, perhaps the most severe blow of former Democratic president Barack Obama, of South Africa: came out into the open by a self-imposed political exile with a speech for to defend democracy and against the "strong men's policy", strong men, authoritarian leaders who marry the politics of lies, fear and resentment.

The controversy erupted over Putin's refusal to accept electoral intrusions, as well as the inability to resolve unresolved problems of Ukraine to Syria to disarmament. Realities that have torn the veil of a meeting defined by Trump very productive. Which is rather loaded with symbols even more disturbing with the pbadage of the hours: the New York Times has highlighted this world cup handed by Putin to Trump with a sibylline message. The ball in your field, expressing an expression dear to the White House employees who claimed that Moscow should instead show humility and cooperation.

If for the summit with Putin was generally considered a fiasco, more risky to issue the badumption of the true consequences. America First's foreign policy remains an enigma exacerbated by the personal moods of a president who fears plots everywhere to delegitimize him. This alternates aggression, political and commercial, to friendly countries, to meetings with hard and hostile leaders like Putin and Kim Jong-un. An enigma that could erode transatlantic confidence and cause confusion.

It seems difficult, given Trump's internal grip, to bet on the position of his Republican aides and notables in an attempt to contain the legislative actions and statements of the president, or of to weigh the criticism of temporary dissociations. Excellent resignation in the administration, in the shadow of the dramatic summit, did not take place. And a few months before the mid-term elections in November, parliamentarians reconcile with a president who, thanks to his populism, remains popular among activists and trusted voters, with a score of over 90%. And with all due respect to the destiny of the American leadership and the world.

Meeting Trump-Putin, now the United States and Russia dance together

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  • Marco Valsania .

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