"Because we have obscured Wikipedia in Italy and for the moment it remains"


"For the moment, Wikipedia remains obscured and for the moment we do not know when it will be available again". Maurizio Codogno is the spokesman of Wikimedia Italia, the badociation that since 2005 promotes the Wikipedia project, and in Agi explains why the Italian community of Wikipedians, about 10 thousand people decided on July 3 to block the project. access to all content against the European copyright reform, which will be voted on 5 July in Brussels (Il Sole 24 Ore). It's only Wikipedia that is not accessible, but it's not a choice unlike other European communities: "The voice is unique, but being able to hear us all in Europe on time and the means was difficult. That the protest started in Italy is not a coincidence, explains Codogno: "The Italian community is historically more attentive to issues of freedom on the Internet. We decided to act as a pioneer because if we were expecting everyone to agree for a gesture of protest. "

The Wikipedia amendment may not be enough [19659003] 55 years old, Milanese, Codogno has been active on the free encyclopedia for 14 years.It does not appeal to the EU reform and believes that the approval of the Wikipedia amendment to avoid penalizing is not enough: "That's right, there is an amendment, but if there is an amendment for us in the first place it means that there is something wrong that you want to correct: and then there is not that Wikipedia, this law could weigh on smaller projects, which make less noise than a project as big as ours. "

Not only the Wikipedia pro amendment, paradoxically, could not defend Wikipedia at all:" It is true that we are a project nonprofit but to work we have a license commercial use, which is not included in the amended text. there is a good chance that the amendment that has been made to us does not protect us either ". "We are absolutely in favor of copyright, but if you protect those who create new content, this directive does the opposite: it undermines the freedom of the network from the creation of new content. somehow we could even cut and continue to offer our service, but others will not do it, so we decided to use our weight to raise awareness and make sure that this senseless thing be blocked. battle we are leading for all. "

Fiche: Minimum Vocabulary for Understanding European Copyright Reform

The disputed parties, as we know now, are Articles 11 and 13 of the law:" The first, the tax of it could prevent our service from linking and putting the text of articles used to cite sources in the encyclopedia entries, which has allowed up to now a voice to have sources and that these can be verified. If they disappear, those who read must trust the writer, without checking the links and information from which they derive information. The 13th, he explains, is even worse: "The filter that you are asked to create is simply a door of censorship. preventive. "Risk is the very logic of the Internet," says Codogno: "If we decide to do something that has never been done until now, it's because we know that this reform is not a small thing done just to show that it's done something. This is a decisive change, the Internet will never be the same again. The Wikipedia community will decide when the site will be available for consultation, but it is easy to predict that the extension of the protest beyond July 5, the day of the vote of the European Parliament,

Twitter: @arcangeloroc

Message from Wikipedia Italy

Dear Reader,

On July 5, 2018, the European Parliament will decide whether to speed up the adoption of the directive on the author's right, if promulgated, will significantly limit the freedom of the Internet.

Instead of updating the copyright laws in Europe to promote the participation of all in the information society and creates barriers to network access by imposing new barriers, filters, and restrictions, and if the proposal is approved, it may not be possible to share a newspaper article on social networks or find it on a search engine. Wikipedia itself could close.

The proposal has already met the strong disapproval of more than 70 computer scientists, including website creator Tim Berners-Lee (here), 169 academics (here), 145 organizations working in the fields of human rights 39, man, freedom of the press, scientific research and the computer industry (here) and the Wikimedia Foundation (here)

For these reasons, the Italian Wikipedia community has decided to conceal all pages of the encyclopedia. We want to continue to offer a free, open and collaborative encyclopedia with verifiable content. We therefore ask all members of the European Parliament to reject the current text of the directive and to reopen the debate by examining the numerous proposals of Wikimedia badociations, starting with the abolition of the articles. 11 and 13, as well as the extension of panorama freedom to the whole of the EU and the protection of the public domain

The Italian Wikipedia Community

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