Bekaert, confirmed the 318 dismissals, Di Maio: "We will be a negative sponsor" / PHOTO / VIDEO


Figline Incisa Valdarno, July 5, 2018 – Bekaert confirmed at the table of the Ministry of Economic Development the desire to close the factory of Figline and Incisa Valdarno (Florence) to move to Romania, endangering 318 jobs, a decision announced June 22

This is reported by the Secretary General of the FIM Marco Bentivogli according to which the management of the company claims to have sought all solutions possible, but To date, it is no longer viable to continue the activity "for group accounts because of the negative pressure on prices."

"In our opinion – said Bentivogli, at the end of the table Chaired by Maio – the attitude of the company remains unacceptable for the modalities and especially for the lack of clarity compared to what was said today on July 5 of the same at the ministerial table.

The same Bekaert signed a supplement a few weeks ago with the unions without giving a slight signal of the imminent decision to close the Tuscan site. While 6 months ago, the same thing had illustrated the slides with a site development program. "

" This is unacceptable – reaffirms leader Fim – no joke with the lives of 318 workers and their families and with an establishment that has a consolidated history in the territory without any warning and motivation but rather announcing investments in the rest of the world at the same time. "

" Before any reasoning – says Bentivogli – the company withdraws layoffs and sits at the table with the Eager to find a working solution for all workers of the Tuscan site "." Minister Di Maio ensured his maximum commitment alongside the workers asking next to the union to suspend the dismissal procedure that will be operational within 61 days, leaving domestic workers behind.

"It's a shame – concludes Bentivogli – that a company bought a company 3 years ago and unburdened it with no responsibility for social stability when only March 29th had Presented development plans At the end of the meeting, at the request of Minister Di Maio, Bekaert denied any availability, and we hope the government will react with the utmost force. "

" J & # 39; have laid a democratic theme – says instead the president of the region Enrico Rossi – it is not possible an injury inflicted in this manner, with an end betraying the l 39; Establishment like that which was announced I said that there is also a problem of industrial policy: as far as I know, the production volumes of Pirelli's trade agreements with this They have all reduced. "

And Minister Di Maio says," I'm n & # I have never seen so much arrogance of a company, I badured the European Vice President of Bekaert that they gave no will to block the mobility plan, this government will take care to circumnavigate the world to say the unreliability of this multinational, they will a first negative sponsor in the world that will be the Italian government "[19659010] [ad_2]
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