Bekaert, the unions: "The company opens to a reindustrialization of the factory"


Bekaert opens up a reindustrialisation of the Figline Valdarno plant (Florence) provided that those who take over the factory diversify production and do not continue to manufacture steel cord, tire strengthening. This is what has emerged today at a meeting in Florence, organized by Confindustria Toscana, between the company and the unions. According to the unions, the representatives of the Belgian multinational have expressed their willingness to extend the deadline for the sale of the site in order to explore the possibility of seeking alternatives for the future of the site. Factory (subject to the condition of not selling the factory to a competitor), and on the other hand activate social shock absorbers for the 318 workers. Tomorrow afternoon, a new meeting will be held at the Focus on the case. "We need to explore with the government what extra time is taking, and there has to be the ministry's willingness to support a complex process like this," said Alessandro Beccastrini (FIM-Cisl) after the meeting. "A negotiation without the gun at the head of the layoffs makes us, with the gun to the head no," said Daniele Calosi (Fiom-Cgil). "Bekaert is no longer a solution, they have to leave and leave us our jobs," concludes Davide Materazzi (Uilm-Uil).

From 2.30 pm and throughout the meeting, apart from Confindustria in Piazza della Repubblica in Florence, a garrison was held with 300 workers from Bekaert and metallurgists from all over the Florentine province, who today He hit 4 hours at the end of each shift. "If the Bekaert goes away – adds Calosi from Fiom Cgil – and no longer wants to produce steel rope, that does not matter to us: they must, however, find a solution to the social and moral damage that they cause. they caused the workers and the territory. Today we have won a small victory, but the battle is still long and we will not stop fighting. The clarity and lucidity of the action are fundamental, allow to find the best solutions, the sought answers, to limit disappointments and actions and emotions. "

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