Belen-Moric in court: first the kisses, then the accusations


  Belen-Moric in court: first kisses, then accusations

Belen Rodriguez and Nina Moric

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Belen-Moric in court: first kisses, then accusations

They had health with a lot of kisses exchange, then their lawyers fought in court: this morning the hearing took place for the trial that sees Nina Moric accused by Belen Rodriguez for aggravated defamation. Three years ago, the Croatian singer, at the microphones of the radio show La Zanzara di Giuseppe Cruciani, present in clbad as a witness, had defined the "viado" and the "bad witch" Argentina and accused him of inappropriate behavior with his son Carlos, born of the marriage of Moric with Fabrizio Corona, then bound for years sentimentally to Belen

"These are unacceptable accusations, I felt offended because I am a mother "and it is" very serious "to feel" harbaded "badually" against a young boy, said Belen.The accusation by Carlos's mother against Argentina was to have shot naked for the house in front of the boy, left marked by these episodes.On the use of the term viado, Nina Moric made it clear that it was a reference to the & Mor Mor à à à à à à à à à. alleged abuse of cosmetic surgery by Rodriguez, that it was a criticism and no n an offense and denied having spoken of "badual harbadment" against his son. Next hearing on September 11th.

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