Belgium, arrested two Iranians who planned an attack in France


Fight against terrorism

The couple was arrested in Brussels in possession of explosives


A Belgian couple of Iranian origin was arrested on Saturday in Brussels for the suspicion of planning an attack against an Iranian opposition rally in France

The federal prosecutor's office specializing in terrorism has said.

The couple (38 years old he, 33 lei) was arrested in Brussels in possession of explosives. The two men are believed to want to commit an attack in Villepinte, near Paris, during an event organized by the mujahideen of the Iranian people (Mek), the prosecutor said in a note.

board the police car in Brussels in a district of the capital and was arrested after the discovery of the explosive. Meanwhile, an alleged accomplice was arrested in France and interrogated two other people, while in Germany, a couple contact was interrupted, an Iranian diplomat working at the Vienna embbady.

Michel: congratulations command. Ham: excellent preventive work
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel congratulated the police for their excellent work. He added that the collaboration with the various European intelligence services had paid off.

Thanks to our intelligence and security services for their wonderful work at #Stockel .

They helped to foil an attack that would be committed in France.

Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) July 2, 2018

The Minister of the Interior, Jan Jambon, also expressed his satisfaction. , who praised the rapid and effective intervention

Rapid and effective intervention of the police, justice and intelligence services. At no time was there any mention of bombing projects in Belgium. OCAM the level of threat to our country. # Attemptofplayed #France

– Jan Jambon (@JanJambon) 2 July 2018

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