Benedict XVI photographed in the gardens of the monastery


The last image of Benedict XVI dates back to yesterday. An article on Facebook of the Vatican Foundation – Joseph Ratzinger has allowed worshipers around the world to ensure conditions of the emeritus pope. Many, during these months, have been speculations on the health of the "sweet teacher" of Tübingen. Someone recently released even a hoax linked to his death. And it was badumed that behind these false news there were hidden messages.

The Vatican in certain circumstances was even "forced" to make a true denial. Moreover, since the historic renunciation of today, there have not been many occasions when the German has chosen to show himself to the world in public. However, something more has been done in terms of doctrinal interventions. Readers will remember the latest controversy raised by the press because of the letter on the "ten small volumes" concerning the theology of Pope Francis . Or, the introductions made by Joseph Ratzinger to a book written by Cardinals considered "conservative". Or, again, the message of farewell made on the occasion of the death of Cardinal Meisner, who was one of the four signatories of the "dubia" on the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetita: The now-famous expression of the Church as "shipwreck", it was taken perhaps in an instrumental way by those who used to contrast the figure of Ratzinger with that of Bergoglio.

The photographs published in the course of the day depict Benedict XVI seated on a bench in the gardens of the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, in which the Emeritus Pope chose to withdraw after the "resignation". "The photographer Stefano Spaziani with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Archbishop Gänswein, this morning at the Vatican – reads the text attached to the post -". "Spaziani – is specified – gave Benedict XVI a volume with the most beautiful photos he made during his pontificate". An opportunity for Catholics and non-Catholics to revisit, once again, Benedict XVI

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