Benetton: 21 investments enter the capital of Carton Pack


Treviso, 3 July. (AdnKronos) – 21 investments, group founded and directed by Alessandro Benetton, through its fund "21 Investimenti III", acquired the majority of Carton Pack, one of the leading Italian operators active in the design, production and marketing of 39, packaging for the food sector, with special emphasis on the fruit and vegetable segment.Carton Pack, founded in 1970 by the Leone family and with production facilities in Rutigliano (Bari), thanks to its technical know-how, Its vast product portfolio and its ability to offer personalized to its customers, it is an Italian leader in its reference market. The management team, led by brothers Gianni and Giuseppe Leone, who will remain at the helm of the Company even after the entry of 21 Investimenti, enjoys a solid reputation in the market and has been able to make advance the business in its growth. achieve a turnover of about 80 million euros in 2017, of which nearly 30% in foreign markets.

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