Bennici: everyone knew Eni. Seeking justice, it's too little


Everyone knew, Eni leaders, politics, unions. But no one has ever done anything. Indeed, the maximum suction of the average Gélèse from a few years ago was to be engaged by the industrial giant. The political career of many was determined precisely by these hypotheses. The illusory well-being of the six-legged dog in Gela lasted a little over fifty years, but the community had to pay a very high price. "This was pointed out by former city councilor Sandra Bennici.

Since Emanuele Pistritto explained to Nemo Rai2 that petrochemicals had buried toxic chemical wastes, eternity and radioactive material in pits 500 meters wide and 15 meters deep, polluting groundwater that would have contaminated the entire food chain, the city demands justice. Too many young cancer deaths. "In fifty years, they will all die of cancer." The leaders said: "Marco Mañano, Emanuele Pistritto, told the reporter. Yet, in the recent past, there are those who said "better die of cancer than hunger." Eni in Gela arrived 60 years ago

"In the beginning – said Bennici – everything was possible, in a labor-intensive area, everything was allowed to Mother Eni even though, over the years, many were aware of the irreversible damage caused by our air, our water, our earth and our life ".

"The state – Bennici continued – wanted to link the life of the Gelesi to a monster who, over time, infiltrated families devastating perverse effects, which devastated the severity of the effects produced.
Everyone continued to shut up and suffer. "

"Today, as for a magic wand, the statements of Pistritto have been sufficient, which must be verified, to ignite the spirits, and this because no one has forgotten what has happened. past". "Not only is the damage an insult".

"In 2014, a president of the Gelene region, former Eni employee, decided to close, killing for the second time those who had already died, without guaranteeing an alternative economic project, without a claim, with a ridiculous investment. 32 million euros without mercy to his tormented city and continually offended. "The former adviser pointed out.

"Today, every serious government project in Gela can not ignore the re-examination of the environmental damages ever compensated, no one can underestimate the damage that we have had to suffer individually and as a community."

"To seek justice, it is already too little! Eni must clean.Eni must establish health facilities to ensure the proper treatment.INI must provide the proper badistance, then go away with the last piece of iron. "This is the cry of Sandra Bennici.

Children, young people. Too many deaths.

"We Gelesi – concluded Sandra Bennici – we have the right to return in the hope that we can only die of old age".


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