Beppe Grillo with Xylella is also recognized in Europe


"Today I read on the blog of Beppe Grillo" no scientific link between olive trees and xylella. "But xylella " is a serious plant disease that kills olives. Zero fakenews. "Thus, in a tweet, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis responded to the post signed by the German journalist Petra Reski and hosted on July 1 last of the blog Grillo which states that there is no scientific link between the disease that kills olive trees in Apulia and the bacteria Xylella. On his Twitter profile, the European Commissioner writes: "Today, I read on the blog of Beppe Grillo" no scientific link between olive trees and xylella ". Flashback in my mind: July 2015, standing in a field of dying olive trees in Puglia. Really heartbreaking. Xylella is a serious plant disease that kills olives. Zero fakenews. I'm sorry, my friend. "

Beppe Grillo with Xylella is recognized in Europe

Meanwhile, the Copagri Puglia asks" the intervention of the government to approve an extraordinary decree that allocates resources to solve the problem " Xylella "resolutely, recognizing the real damage to farmers." In a note, the president of the Confederation of Agricultural Producers in Apulia Tommaso Battista, points out that "the extension of additional 20 km to the northern Apulia in the quarantine zone for Xylella which kills the olive groves of Pugliese ", was" certified by the Standing Committee on Plant Health of the European Union ". The "new demarcation of the infected zone – notes – sees the extension of the killer bacterium to Locorotondo and in different regions of Taranto"
  vytenis andriukaitis grillo xylella

"Notables – underlines Copagri Apulia – damage to the owners of rural areas who see the value of their land decrease by two-thirds compared to pre-Xylella badessments: the displacement of the area of ​​incidence – highlights Battista – involves the enlargement of the infected zone and this means that If the Phytosanitary Observatory identifies a certified infected plant in this zone, the owner of the rustic fund must decompose the infected plant and all others within a radius of 100 meters And it can not proceed with the replanting of new trees because the replanting rights provided by the measure "5.2" of the Rural Development Plan (RPS), in addition to a financial coherence reduced in relation to actual needs, only concern the infected area ". "Another problem to point out – concludes Battista – is the ban on plant circulation, which causes the complete blockage of the nursery economy, with consequent loss of jobs."

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