Berlusconi admitted to San Raffaele. Routine checks after cardiac surgery?


Lightning Shelter for Silvio Berlusconi at San Raffaele in Milan for a series of exams on his health conditions. This would be routine checks to monitor his condition after open heart surgery to which he was always submitted in June 2016 for the replacement of the aortic valve in the Irccett at Via Olgettina. The stay in the hospital will not be too long, we are talking about a few days that will not deduce on the political agenda of the leader of Forza Italia. There is no shortage of mystery about the shelter. Normal checks or an emergency due to the stress of returning to the scene? Last Thursday, after launching "The Other Italy" in the House at a packed meeting of blue-eyed deputies, MEPs and local administrators, Berlusconi returned to Milan, losing the trace of him. Then he gave a harsh interview against the government and disappeared again. At first there were rumors about an isolated theft of love in Formentera with his partner Francesca Pascale and instead, the former prime minister entered Friday night at the Milan Hospital for checks "routine", provided by his entourage. The controls did not finish the day and the Cavaliere returned to the hospital on Sunday. "This is a normal cycle of badyzes and controls that the former prime minister cyclically conducts at San Raffaele Hospital," news agencies said. He could be released in the next few hours to return to Arcore today.

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