Berlusconi: "Tale is a mediocre, now Salvini blocks the Dignity decree"


There is not only the tribute to the brilliant friend Marchionne (punctuated by long applause from the defenders who stand up) in the long speech of Silvio Berlusconi during the meeting with the Italian deputies in Montecitorio. The "return" to the House is a wonderful opportunity to launch new poison hits against the illegitimate government which, because of the incurable internal friction, will not last more than a year. And ask Salvini to do his part and prevent the launch of the Dignity decree. A sincere appeal to "block these rules, on behalf of companies, producers, workers, artisans, traders, farmers, who do not really need any other difficulties to add to the many with which they fight every day. " Call received by the Deputy Prime Minister who answered curtly: "I do not block anything, we are working to improve it."

Berlusconi: the grillini are the worst of politics

The first target of the Cavaliere: grillini, "the worst politician who said he wanted to change". "One can not, to go to the government, contradict all or part of what has been said until the day before, and then expect voters to always trust the politicians," says the Knight. Defines the 5Stars of the late sixties, a joke of history. "They seem to come from the far left of the last century, and I never thought I would find myself in the government of the country of" late sessantottini "with the same arrogance, the same incultura, the same verbal abuse of at the time, the same contempt for bourgeois society ". He is no longer tender with the head of the government: "I am sorry to say it but Conte's action has been absolutely mediocre, and in the next few months it is destined to worsen," he said. , highlighting the fragility of the government that was not chosen by the Italians and this is not based on a majority and a shared program: "The League and the movement Cinquestelle have obtained an excellent election result, but they do not They are not in the majority, they are two minorities who joined without going to the polls.These are two opposite ideas of the future.On the other hand, to govern, he must have a clear idea of ​​where we want to go, "says Berlusconi, reproaching Salvini for not having the courage to ask the head of state for a government center-right. but we have not yet opposed our veto with regard to Italy. "Does this save anything from the yellow-green executive? Berlusoni's relations with Brussels in the field of immigration is a positive element, but also in this case superficiality. "We have done and will continue to do our duty with a sense of responsibility towards the Italians, but this we can say explicitly that the firmness against the landings is necessary but not sufficient, that to make the voice heard in Europe can only be right if we allow it and have allies ready to help us, to support our demands. "

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