Better than nothing – Il Fatto Quotidiano


But have we won or lost? In a policy reduced to the football derby, which traded the European summit for a World Cup match, it is impossible to reason. From one side there are the fans of Pd & FI now unified in the baccalaureate team, with their big boxes of Republic, Press, Giornale and Libero cheering the terrible defeat of Count ("A chicken" that was "taken for a ride") and the isolation of populist Italy.

On the other hand there is grillini and Leghisti who sell the campaign of ] Brussels as a triumphal march of the prime minister ("victory at 70" or perhaps "at 80") and Macron as the real " clandestino " rejected to the sender.The truth lies in the middle: Tale did not win 70 or 80%, but it was not even vanquished, isolated and deceived He fought with a pragmatic style, he used the right of veto over the summit's conclusions, which did not even mention the migrants for lack of agreement on Thursday,and instead they produced 12 points of synthesis among the very different positions of 27 Member States .

Partially vague, partially contradictory, partially precise. But one step forward both on the black predictions of the day before (not agree) and on the absolute zero collected by previous governments: those who are good, competent, not populist. Up to 19459 the so-called prime minister from B. to Letta from Renzi to Gentiloni they left for Brussels announcing the fire and the flames, the blows and the blows on the table. Then they arrived there and, like Fantozzi in front of the galactic megadirectory office, they did not even dare to knock on the door ("I do not have hands …"). They did not open their mouths, they signed everything and sculettanti smiling in the last group photo. Then they went home and extended their arms: it happened like that, it will be for next time. What time to criticize the count are just them – those who hanged Italy, then so isolated and ignored, the suicide pacts of Dublin and the commitment to do everything yourself in exchange for "flexibility" of waste in the electoral councils – this is comic (while the Democratic Party speaks of bankruptcy, the Party of European Socialists of which the Democrats are a party is pleased with the success). Also because, compared to their nothingness, something Tale has brought him home.

1. In the final declaration, for the first time, also the countries of Northern Europe recognize that the migratory flow of Africa should no longer be tackled by individual states, but by the EU as a whole, with investments to avoid humanitarian and social tragedies. The first of 500 million is ridiculous. It will be seen that other more serious will follow and that the commitment – reviewed for the first time in black and white by the 27 – to see Dublin will be maintained

2. [19659007] reception and identification centers for the examination of asylum applications (hotspots), hitherto reserved exclusively for the landing countries (Italy, Spain and Greece), can also be created in the other EU states. Only on a "voluntary" basis it is true: but until now they were not exactly planned. And Macron mind when he says that they are not contemplated in France and other countries of second landing: the agreement speaks of "territory of the EU" without distinctions. If then the hotspots will continue to mount only in the first landing countries and no one else, like the Macron teacher in France, the mask of those who until then have ruled behind the Dublin agreements to do nothing and give us lessons. No one can do the same thing the Salvini or the Orbàn at home and the home with the ports of others.

3. The very important principle of "outsourcing" migrant landings is that we will have to convince countries aspiring to enter the EU (such as Albania and Kosovo) or more Europeans (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and even Libya) to temporarily host survivors rescued at sea in structures needed to select asylum applications, under control of the EU and the UN. A complicated but decisive undertaking to divide the weight of the next waves of migration and avoid closing the ports until here open, from Italy to Spain to Malta.

4. After the agreement, the Conte government can immediately take two initiatives in agreement with the EU : allocate funds to buy new patrol boats for the Libyan Coast Guard to be formed by a new small Italian military contingent and no longer need to be "hobbled" or bypbaded by private vessels (such as those of well-deserved NGOs); and meet the Libyan Prime Minister in Sarraj to speak directly with Tripoli without the intervention of Macron, crushed on the dangerous general Haftar who reigns over Benghazi. If Salvini was wrong to ask Tripoli to open the hotspots, now Farnesina will try to convince Libya to accept European funds to improve the condition of the camps The UN already exists and opens new offices under the EU flag to handle applications for asylum

Out of 10 candidates, only one has the right to do. And "economic" migrants who can not enter Europe, will be offered voluntary badisted repatriation (a Nigerian who spent 5 thousand dollars to arrive in Libya, will have 7 -8 thousand to return to Nigeria on aircraft paid by the EU). A principle of application difficult, but now accepted by European partners and therefore practicable, unlike before. Unsurprisingly, given the initial closures of the Visegrad group (Hungary & C.) and Macron well hidden there.

5. If anyone was deceived, it is not Italy, but Spain and Greece, who signed Bilateral agreements with Germany to recover "secondary" migrants without guarantees at the break of the "primary" . Count, unlike Tsipras and Sanchez the separate agreement with Merkel refused to sign it.

It's still too little. But better than nothing before.

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