"Between Lega and 5 stars new contradictions"


Rome – The impending end of the honeymoon between government forces. The first cracks that open. The contradictions that slowly or systematically – as in the case of Roberto Fico's dissociation on the closing of the ports – begin to emerge. A consent mobility between Lega and M5s only rewards the first. In addition to the bad mood for the amnesia of Matteo Salvini on the electoral contribution of Forza Italia to the last victories

The day of the meeting of Pontida, from the embrace of the people of the League to its leader, the party Silvio Berlusconi highlights the holding of the yellow-green coalition. It's a multi-voice chorus that highlights the opening of a dangerous loophole in the executive field due to conflicting energies, identities and programs. "In the coming days, we will understand if Fico and Tria have personal opinions and whether the honeymoon between M5 and Lega is over," says Anna Maria Bernini. "The position taken on NGOs was disobeyed with discomfort by Di Maio and Salvini as a mere personal opinion. We believe little, but the position of Minister Tria, who does not intend to open the purse strings in 2018, will also be considered a mere personal opinion. "

Mara Carfagna reminds Salvini that" the only perspective politics is the center-right ". "Well when, like today in Pontida, he says the center-right is stronger than ever, winning. Badly the total absence of a reference to the contribution that Forza Italia and the whole center gave to the success of the governors who walked on stage. Salvini remembers not being one responsible man and having won the election on the basis of an alliance and a center-right program. "If" the line of we believe in the firmness of the management of the migration phenomenon, the undulation of Prime Minister Conte at the European Council no. The government speaks with two voices, I do not even agree on who has the jurisdiction to close the ports. "

The list of government contradictions is enriched by the remarks of Maurizio Gasparri." If the revolution is not a gala dinner, the government is not a walk. The first cracks in the yellow-green alliance emerge as easily predicted. On the family, is the line good for Minister Fontana or for gay pride? Then there is no talk of immigration where the contrast within the grillini emerges with great strength. "And if Giovanni Toti in Pontida speaks of" different paths and flags but of a shared dream, "Francesco Giro sees in Berlusconi's proceedings the prelude to "a new revolutionary phase in Forza Italia." "Revolution is a category that belongs to liberal thought. Even the Catholic movement, with the network of Civic Committees managed to avoid the victory of the Communists in 1948 by using instruments of aggregation and social mobilization on the territory. Berlusconi can promote the birth of a civic committee in every Italian city, more than 8000, and it would be extraordinary to bring them together in a national badembly for the launch of a great manifesto of a new Italy for a new Europe ".

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