Bialetti at risk of closing?


Bialetti, symbol of Italian history, does not succeed well. The red accounts appear in the "consolidated results as at June 30, 2018". "The consolidated business figure for the first half of 2018 – as noted in the note – is high at 67.3 million euros, compared with 76.6 million euros for the same period of 2017, a reduction of 12.1%. " The net income of the Group for the first half of 2018 is negative by 15.3 million euros compared to the negative result of 1.6 million euros for the same period of the previous year ".

Figures affected "mainly by the general contraction of consumption – explains the company in the press release – which was recorded on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as by the financial tensions that led to delays in purchasing, production and deliveries of products for sale ".

It is in 1933 that the genius of Alfonso Bialetti unearths Moka Express. The Art Deco design revolutionizes the way coffee is prepared at home and allows the company, thanks to the ambition of his son Renato, to immediately establish himself among the leading manufacturers of Italian coffee makers.

The brand's reputation is further enhanced by the significant advertising investments of Carosello, a well-known Italian television show, and Omino's image-centric communication with a mustache, created in the 1950s by Paul's pencil. Campani, which has become the symbol, is always present both on the Bialetti Industrie brand and applied to Bialetti brand products.

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