Bigamo, steals the identity of a country and pension at the INPS


Ramacca – It's a story that has the amazing adventure of a 57-year-old invalid Ramacca who unknowingly found himself married to a Ukrainian (actually never known) and having to pay (that was the request of the Agencies of Revenue) the sum of 2000 euros for not having made contributions to the INPS.

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Anomalies for the poor man, permanently hospitalized in a health facility because of his pathology, who discovered his "new" affection when the Caf asked the renewal of the model Isee. The Caf also told him that various bank accounts (current accounts and postal books), which he had never indicated, were to appear on his behalf.

The capture was quickly unveiled thanks to the investigations of the carabinieri of the Compagnia di Palagonia and the Ramacca station, which, with the valuable contribution of the territorial branch of Casale Monferrato (AL) and Riccione, identified in the person of Giuseppe Di Silvestro , 55, the author of the fraud, whose invalid was victim. He was accompanied by the Ukrainian Valentina Yuriyvina Dyptan, 52 years old (second wife of Di Silvestro married under the regime of bigamy) and the sister of the man, Anna Di Silvestro, 62 years old.

The investigation opened immediately by the carabineers revealed the machinations set up by the 55-year-old Mephistophelist, who had been living for fifteen years with the stolen identity of the poor invalid, through which he had already married another woman. marriage with the Ukrainian woman, giving rise to a series of deceptions against various public and private bodies, unduly levying various benefits, including unemployment, all with the complicity of the second wife and sister, always aware of the con.

The man acquitted of the formalities was badociated with the prison of Rimini while the two women were relegated under house arrest.

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