Bimbo born with two heads and two brains, desperate parents: "Nobody warned us"


of Emiliana Costa

A child is born with two heads and two brains and now he would be in danger of life. The two-month-old baby would be diagnosed with diprosopia a rare condition for which the fetus is exposed with two faces . During pregnancy, the mother would have been subjected to three ultrasounds but the doctors would not have noticed.

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This happens in Batam, Indonesia. As reported in the Daily Mail Gilang Andika – that is the name of the child – it would be very serious . His condition would worsen and the doctors would no longer be operational. The baby would be fed a tube because it can not be badfed. Gilang Andika would suffer from hydrocephalus a disease that causes an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the dilator cerebral ventricles

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The parents Ernilasari and Mustafa are desperate: "We do not have money – they explain – during the ultrasound, they tell us only said that our baby was in a siege position and had a head a little too big. Now we do not know how to do it. he will live one more day.


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