black smoked at the department, the company confirms the layoffs


Bekaert did not accept the application of suspension of the dismissal procedure of 318 employees of the Figline Valdarno factory. To make it known is the governor of Tuscany Enrico Rossi . Today, at the Ministry of Economic Development, the company has agreed to sit down with the parties. At the table there was also the Minister of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio but the news is not encouraging.

Rossi spoke of " wounded by betrayal" company that announced in recent days the closure of the factory Figline Valdarno, where today 318 people are employed. Latest unions. "After operating for four years the skills of the Tuscan metallurgists, the company decides that it is best to produce where the labor costs are the lowest. in Slovakia and Romania ". Daniele Calosi of Fiom-Cgil, attacking for " arrogance of the same company in front of the minister". Position reiterated by the same secretary general of the ICFTU Tuscany, Riccardo Cerza

"They are for the most part workers of average age who, if they are dismissed, will have great difficulties find another job, "says in a note the general secretary of the Ugl Paolo Capone which emphasizes that" thanks to the law on employment, the employees are not entitled to layoff "" many of them are also close to the pension . "Capone asks to" discourage multinationals from relocate their production abroad for economic purposes, so that the rights of the employees are protected. "We hope that the government goes in this direction to save, in a certain way, the work force", adds he.

In a note, the company explains that " losses of the last years are structural and irreversible and led to the decision of to cease all activities ". The management thus confirmed its intention to launch a constructive dialogue as soon as possible to mitigate the social impact for the employees concerned and indicated that they wished to collaborate on a possible reindustrialization that could emerge.

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