Blenio, the motorcyclist is in danger of death


The 59-year-old man was hit violently at a car this afternoon in Corzoneso – PHOTO

The cantonal police report that today, shortly after 2:30 pm, in Corzoneso, a traffic accident occurred.

A 19-year-old Swiss, living in the region, drove on the cantonal road from Biasca. At the crossing point of Nara-Leontica, he began a left turning maneuver

On this occasion, a motorist accompanied by a guide arrived in the opposite direction, a 59-year-old Italian citizen residing in the region of Varese. Due to the violent impact of the motorcyclist is ruined to the ground.

On the spot, Beyond the cantonal police, the rescuers of the Three Valleys and the Rega who gave the first treatment to 59 years, then be transported to the hospital. A doctors voice the life of humans would be in danger. The driver of the car is unharmed.

Publisher | 13 min

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