Blitz against the Riesi clan: 25 arrests, light on mafia homicides


An anti-mafia blitz in Riesi led to 25 arrests for criminal badociation, mafia, murder, extortion, production and trafficking of drugs

The operation of the Calatanissetta rifles, coordinated by the DDA nissena, shed light on incidents of marijuana production and trafficking, extortion, war crimes and communal crimes, instigators and perpetrators of numerous murders or attempted murders on the territory of Riesi commune since the beginning of the 90s. 19659003] The articulated investigation activity has, indeed, made it possible to clarify certain murders, consumed or tempted, thanks to the return of information about certain collaborators of the justice. Most blood facts are part of the mafia war that for a decade has bloodied the city of Riesi, in the context of the opposition between mafia families belonging to what we and the stiddare formations.

the oppositions of the organizations, then, were added in the reconstruction, conditioned by the internal rupture of our own thing after the arrest of Salvatore Riina, those internal to the same mafia family, because of the desire of some affiliates to undermine members of the Cammarata family.

In many of these cases, in fact, they had already been held against other accused but had not yet reached the necessary completeness of the elements against those for whom, nowadays , we proceed.

The first murder occurred on 14 March 1992 in the inhabited center of Riesi when Angelo Lauria was killed because he was considered to be close to the Riggio. The murder of Salvatore D'Alessandro who was killed in Riesi, Via Roma, on June 17, 1996, was murdered for internal family disputes over the distribution of the proceeds of extortion.

The Murder of Michele Fantauzza was committed to Riesi on February 28, 1997. Fantauzza reportedly was killed because near the Riggio. The murder attempt Tullio Lanza of 1997, at the time adviser for public works in the municipality of Riesi who refused to make himself available to the family. The murder of Pino Ferraro who was killed in the inhabited center of Riesi on November 4, 1997. Ferraro was killed for offering a ride to Vincenzo Cammarata's wife. The attempted murder of Salvatore Pasqualino, in 1997, would have occurred because it was close to the Riggio. The murder of Gaetano Pirrello dates back to January 8, 1998 and was killed due to conflict between the families Salamone and Pirrello

The murder of Andrea Pirrello and the attempted murder of Salvatore Pirrello date back to September 24, 1998. Salvatore Pirrello is brother by Gaetano who could have avenged on the murder of his brother

A complex investigation activity, conducted with many technical activities and with complex observation and tracking services, was then launched in 2014 to monitor members' activities in one of the most historically relevant mafia families in the provincial region. The brothers Pino and Vincenzo Cammarata, after the respective catches, would have used the family still at liberty to commit crimes.

The activities have shown that the mafia family still maintains undisputed control over the territory that it can still impose "lace" on entrepreneurs and economic activities which, in the event of resistance, become the main source of income. object of damage and threats.

Daniele Fantauzza allegedly created, with external subjects, a criminal badociation for the production of marijuana, an activity that was conducted on an almost industrial scale, to the point that, in two years, plantations were seized for more than 4000 plants and products ready to be sold for more than 250 kilos on the territory. The group would have sales channels with other provinces of the island also enjoying links favored by the Fantauzza membership to the mafia family. Part of the output of the production was to find the resources needed to support members of the mafia family.

The execution was carried out, simultaneously and with the collaboration of the respective provincial command of the weapon, in the provinces of Caltanissetta. , Monza and Ascoli Piceno

Those arrested in prison are: Calogero Altovino, 37, Michelangelo Amorelli, 45, Carmelo Arrotti, 48, Francesco Cammarata, 57 (brother of Patrons Pino and Vincenzo), Giuseppe Cammarata (son of Pino), 41, Maria Catena Cammarata, 64 (sister of Pino, Vincenzo and Francesco), Gaetano Cammarata, 44, Carlo Crapanzano, 53, Giuseppe Di Buono, 23, Giuseppe Di Garbo, 77 , Daniele Fantauzza, 36, Ezio Fantauzza, 30, Angelo Ficicchia, 64, Gaetano Ficicchia, 29, Rocco Ficicchia, 60, Gaetano Forcella, 44, Rosolino Li Vecchi, 57, Gaetano Lombardo, 67, Rosario MAR. eighth, 40 years old, Rocco Turco, 45 years old. Home care, however, for Franco Bellia, 47, Daniele Correnti, 53, Filippo Riggio, 39, Salvatore Salamone, 81, and Giovanni Tararà, 44.

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