Blitz with the Celtic in the circle Pd: "Action of the new force"


  Blitz with the Celtic in the circle Pd in ​​Subaugusta: "Action of the new Force"

Mining sentences, Celtic crosses, swastikas and lictors appeared in the night from Saturday to Sunday in the territorial section of the Democratic Party. Subaugusta. Vandalism – that …

  Grillo turns the video by car in Rome: "Not even a hole" Look at

Elevato, the guarantor, the noble father, the founder. Beppe Grillo has always been the same person to cut roles and labels. Today, for example, it becomes "moralizing the …

  They infiltrate into the guests of a hotel
in via Veneto and steal a tourist:
arrested two non-European citizens

The riflemen of the Roma Vittorio Veneto station arrested two people of North African descent, a 54-year-old Moroccan citizen and a 52-year-old Algerian, homeless and … [19659007]! , b, c, v, n, t, s)
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