Boeri-M5s, Wednesday the showdown at the Commission. For Di Maio, the question is not yet closed


The showdown will take place on Wednesday morning. When Tito Boeri was summoned in the presence of the Finance Committee of the House, to be heard about the Dignity decree. A redde rationem that promises to be explosive, whose crazy splinters might not be stifled by the thick tapestries of Montecitorio's rooms. Because in the intentions of what will become a mini-parliamentary court, Ministers Luigi Di Maio and Giovanni Tria will also be able to show themselves under the eyes of President Carla Ruocco.

All the protagonists of the door of dignity will face off "Forty-eight hours of inclination, trying to clarify, each for its part, one of the most confused events since the beginning of the government experience. The political leader of the 5-star Movement has given a glimpse of a combat scenario: "The question of the INPS, I consider it a question to clarify."

Summing up the facts: the technical report accompanying the decree contains an estimation of the INPS according to the fact that the measure wanted by the Minister of Labor would lose about 8 thousand places per year for the next ten years. Release a brutal reaction from the 5-star leader. Who first pointed to the State's General Accounting Office, also implying via XX September. Then he issued a joint statement with the holder of the Economy to dispel – with little success – the doubts of an ongoing clash. Then he spoke of "small hands" of opposing technicians, putting the INPS at stake.

Today, the House has set an extremely syncopated schedule. Three days of auditions, then, from Friday night, the votes, which should also last the weekend. That the ashes were thrown under the carpet, ready to rise at the slightest gust of wind, testifies a fact. In the text of the speaker, the pentastellato Davide Tripiedi, heavy doubts are in black and white. And not towards the new target, the Inps, but again in the direction of the Mef. "I limit myself to reporting – writes Tripiedi – because it is not at all obvious that general accounting is concerned, whenever a single type of contract is altered, to estimate its macroeconomic effects in terms of And for a period of ten years. of an extremely arduous exercise, which, I would like to mention, has not been done, for example, in the technical report accompanying the decree abolishing the coupons. "

A political controversy that, in addition to the triangulation involving the ministries and the National Institute of Social Security, today involved the presidency of the House and that of the Council." Here is Roberto Fico: "If Luigi speaks of conspiracy, I believe it. "And here is Giuseppe Conte:" The premise that the decree generates unemployment seems to me rejected as plausible. "In short, a real battle, which has not yet reached its peak. 19659006] Oppositions sharpen arms The Democratic Party and Leu demanded that "the accused" come to testify before the Commission and loudly protest the deadlines set by the presidency. "The majority mortifies the opposition, intervenes Fico ", threw Debora Serracchiani of the Democratic Party." There was a lot of pressure in time, we asked for another week, the 5 stars do not allow members to work, "added Luca Pastorino, MP for Possible. Evid Emment, the presidency of Montecitorio let filter that the decision on the calendars belongs to the individual commissions, but the atmosphere promises to be already hot.

In the evening, faced with Di Maio on La7, a timid helper arrived by Vincenzo Boccia, president of Confindustria: "We share the end of the decree, not the tools, we do not enter into the merits of the prediction of the 8 thousand places less, which seems to me also excessive ". The employers' badociation will also be convened by Parliament. For three days ahead of the beating heart, from which a good deal of credibility will go through the minister of the 5 star leader.

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