Bologna, Marconi airport and the noise. Double glazing in schools and homes – Chronicle


Bologna, November 28, 2018 – As soon as possible double glazing and soundproofing for schools and condos. And then constant monitoring of the health of those who suffer the effects of air traffic. The municipality does not intend to deny the problem: the growth of Marconi benefits the city, but also heavy inconvenience to those who live on the takeoff lines and especially land.

Gastric disorders, depression, auditionist visits, certified by the study of Ausl led by the director of the department of public health, Paolo Pandolfi, who compared the inhabitants of the "red" zone with those of the neighborhood San Donato-San Vitale, a similar domain, but not affected by the phenomenon. "This study is a good starting point," said Giuliano Barigazzi, Health Advisor: "A well done research, which shows the existence of discomfort and the possibility that it turns into serious health problems" .

So, says Barigazzi, "we go from there to act immediately for residents and children, try to give a concrete sign. The idea is to copy what has been done elsewhere, for example in Bergamo: the installation of double glazing and air conditioners as well as the soundproofing of buildings with insulation interventions.

But this is just the beginning: "We would like a permanent monitoring, to have a picture of the situation and new research data every six months. " For this reason, Barigazzi appreciated the availability of the president of the airport, Enrico Postacchini: "He showed a strong social responsibility with respect to the community, whose airport is also an integral part" .

Therefore, on the horizon, there is the opening of a january work table, to which the same Barigazzi, Urbanism's colleague, Valentina Orioli, the airport, Harp and Ausl, who confirmed yesterday "wanting to pursue a systematic study.But we will work together. before compared to a few months ago, when the protests of the committees had been greeted with much less attention from the administration and the airport's summit.Two reasons for this change of course: l & # 39; study dell 'Ausl, who, with his authority, showed the existence of the problem and that the City could use as a starting point to put pressure on the' Marconi 'also from the point of view and the precedent of Prati di Caprara, which showed how the theme of the environment and health could raise protests from thousands of people, so noisy as to compete with a plane.

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