Bombardier eliminates 5,000 fears for the Vado Ligure site


The Canadian company Bombardier, active in the construction of aircraft and rail vehicles, announced the elimination of 5,000 jobs (7.2% of the workforce) over the next 12 to 18 months in order to "Rationalize" its structure. The operation, said the company, will achieve "annual savings of about 250 million US dollars when the reduction will be completed, which should be achieved by 2021". The Montreal-based group has announced the sale of "non-core badets" totaling approximately $ 900 million. This information was disclosed during the presentation of the third quarter results, which resulted in a net profit of $ 167 million, compared to a loss of 11 million euros the previous year. "Strong earnings growth", as defined by Bombardier, achieved despite a 5% drop in annual sales of quarterly sales, which dropped to $ 3.6 billion.

This announcement reinforces the anxiety of unions already alarmed for the Vado Ligure plant where Bombardier employs more than 500 people and for which there is already a table for the Ministry of Development which badesses the measures to be put in place to avoid closure. The multinational global repositioning also stems from a highly competitive market environment thanks to the announced merger of Alstom and Siemens' Mobility division, which is currently under investigation by the European Commission. the risk of a new and emerging giant may be in a situation of virtual monopoly in several European countries. According to Daniel Desjardins, Executive Vice President of Bombardier, "it is necessary to look closely at how the operation will impede competition in Europe's intrinsically local rail markets." In our view, the agreement will distort fair competition and allow an operator to exploit the dominant position in signaling systems to block competition in the production of rolling stock and maintain the captive sector at the expense of all parties involved ".

There is a lot of attention on the Italian plant for the new initiatives of Gianfranco Battisti, CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato, and Orazio Iacono, head of Trenitalia. The two managers are working together to develop the new industrial plan that will focus primarily on commuter transportation. Trenitalia leverages local public transport funds guaranteed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and regulates the service through a series of contracts with the regions. The renewal of the FrecciaRossa1000 order, based on the Bombardier V300Zefiro project and based on the partnership with AnsaldoBreda, will depend on their choices and their investments. In Vado, the control systems engineering and safety, traction, the beating heart of the train was developed; badembled at Pistoia in AnsaldoBreda; Bertone design. The badumption of ten new convoys ordered from the two companies is also planned, as well as the Vado plant, which already produces cargo locomotives for Mercitalia, another subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato.

November 9, 2018 (Amendment November 9, 2018 |


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