Born, nervous summit: Trump asks to double military spending, relations between the United States and the EU to a minimum


BRUSSELS – A NATO dramatically crossed by the tensions that are gathering this week here in Brussels for an annual summit at the level of the heads of state and government. Beyond the fragility of the relationship between Europe and the United States, polluted inter alia by serious contrasts between Washington and Berlin, the military organization must deal with the controversial position of Turkey and to poorly concealed divisions between European countries. The delicate defense sector

Today, the first of a two-day meeting, was marked by the new incendiary positions taken by the US president. During a breakfast with NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, Donald Trump again attacked Germany, accusing him of being a prisoner in Moscow. In the viewfinder of the White House the agreement to import Russian gas through a new gas pipeline in the Baltic, the Nord Stream II.

Trump attack: Germany enriches Russia

Germany, said the US president, enriches Russia. Pay billions of dollars to Russia for its energy supplies and we must pay to protect Russia. How to explain everything there? Not fair. Simplifying a little, Donald Trump accused Berlin of disloyalty to his Western allies. Nord Stream II, however, is not a public project, but private, although chairman of the board of directors of the company former Chancellor Gerhard Schrder. Donald Trump's strategy in his way Luciferina. The man has the undeniable ability to put his finger on the wound. The controversial Nord Stream II project in Europe. On the one hand because it involves Russia, a country subject to economic sanctions due to the annexation of Crimea. On the other hand, because some member countries consider it incompatible with the European energy policy. Chancellor Angela Merkel replied that Germany makes its own energy choices independently

Subsequently, the two leaders met for a quick meeting. After a conversation also devoted to economic relations, President Trump, as if nothing had happened, said that the formidable German-American relationship ( formidable in English). Referring to the possibility of new US bonds on European cars, Donald Trump made no commitment, saying: We will see what will happen in the coming weeks. The American criticism comes after the last days that the White House had reproached the European allies for not having achieved the objective of military expenditure of 2% of the gross domestic product: at the meeting of today. hui, President Trump said that the goal it should even be 4% of GDP. At the same time, the US president took it for the high European commercial activity. The relationship between the United States and Europe at historical lows, and shows the obvious European difficulty in answering the rhymes to Donald Trump

Europe also breaks the defense and terrorism

US foreign policy urges the twenty-eight to strengthen their collaboration, to free themselves from the United States. The problem that divisions also emerged yesterday. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, traditionally Atlanticist, said Washington was right to criticize the lack of military spending in many European countries. Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz added that only the United States can ensure the security of countries like Poland on the eastern flank. There are also divisions on the threats that NATO faces today. According to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlt Cavusoglu, these are mainly related to international terrorism from the Middle East. Instead, his Polish counterpart pointed to the revisionist states, mainly Russia.

Instead, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte cited the southern front, and the potential arrival of foreign fighters from North Africa.
The differences between Ankara and the other chancelleries of NATO are just as serious. Even today, we wonder about the purchase of Russian S-400 missile weapons by Turkey, protagonist of a political drift that seems more and more incompatible with the declared democratic principles. of the military alliance. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlt Cavusoglu replied that the purchase was decided after Berlin had decided to withdraw its Patriot missiles from Turkey.

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