Borsa Milano closed down -0.18%. Spread BTP-Bund closes at 290 basis points – Economy


Piazza Affari closes its doors. The Ftse Mib reports 0.18% to 19.115 points.

The BTP-Bund spread dropped to 290 basis points from 294 points on Tuesday. The 10-year Treasury yield is 3.25%.

Under pressure on the Tenaris Stock Exchange, whose President and CEO, Paolo Rocca, is under investigation in Argentina for bribery. The title of the world's leading producer and supplier of oil and gas exploration and production lines and services leaves 7.08% to 10.9 euros.

On Tuesday, reports to the local Argentinian press, Judge Claudio Bonadio has charged Paolo Rocca, a member of the illegal badociation headed by Cristina Kirchner and dedicated to the collection of illegal funds. It has "blocked" an embargo of 4,000 million pesos. According to the magistrate, the payment of bribes by Techint was used to resolve the situation in Sidor, Venezuela. The same investigation concerned Marcelo Mindlin, owner of Pampa Energía and ex-Iecsa, a company owned by Angelo Calcaterra, cousin of President Mauricio Macri, but according to the judge, nothing proved the facts. "In the 127-page resolution – writes the Argentine newspaper Clarín – the judge also decided to extend the accusation against the former Minister of Planning, Julio De Vido, and of his deputy, Roberto Baratta "whose ex-driver now regretted, Oscar Centeno, would be the author of the memoirs that allowed the opening of the investigation.



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