Bossi: "The South in Pontida? So many people who just want to be kept "


GEMONIO (VARESE) The record Pontida dei did not see it. If last year was present behind the scene but did not speak, and it was the first time in history since 1990, Sunday, Umberto Bossi the sacred ground has not only trampled . I was not very good at trying to justify myself, without being too convincing. The official reason for the absurd absence would be a troublesome backache, but insist a little, so that in the late afternoon, you get out of the car that takes her to the home after a few hours spent finding old friends, in Pontida 2018, to chromatic innovations, we would have felt a foreign body.

Senator Bossi, does it bother you to participate in one of the most participative editions of the League?
I did not feel well, with this back pain …

In Pontida his successor Matteo Salvini made a full house.
And no. If Africa takes us there … But not a race for those who bring more people. From the League clear answers to problems are expected.

The Sovereign League that she does not like very much has won the sympathy of voters throughout Italy. On Sunday, there were busloads filled with activists from the South, is this news annoying?
Look, I've only seen a lot of people interested in being kept. Let's be clear: there is no southern region that can pay for its health. What do you want, which you continue to load in the northern regions?

Why do you dismiss Salvini's ideas as just right?
The story goes elsewhere. It is not enough to speak.

Bossi stops abruptly. He looks away from the interlocutor who tries to push him away and sets a distant point. As if talking about the sovranist league bothered him, if not the pain. a sensual afternoon, in the streets of Gemonio does not pbad a living soul, the former head of the League is locked in his blue car.

Senator, the latest polls say the Carroccio sailed around 30 percent. At most, she was 10 years old.
I do not believe much in polls, people vote in polls. And anyway, if you make a promise every day and make a fuss, someone will eventually pull you to your side. But the citizens are not stupid. Today, they vote for you, tomorrow they will turn their backs if you do not keep all the promises you made.

For a little over a month, the League has led the country thanks to the government contract with the 5 Star Movement. How do you judge Giuseppe Conte's executive?
Mah … Up to now, they have not done anything.

Also at the rally Pontida Salvini also launched a European challenge, speaking of the goal of giving life to the League of Alloys. You do not like it either?
But we're not going anywhere, let's not joke. How can you think that the French or the Germans take the lead by the Italians? Come on, let's look at our house and answer our people. That of the North, eh ….

2 July 2018 (change 2 July 2018 | 22:53)


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