Botta and answer between Salvini and Don Ciotti


Matteo Salvini jokes about Facebook, concerning the initiative of the "red shirts", and immediately comes the response of Don Luigi Ciotti creator of the demonstration.

The founder of the Libera badociation, which fought against abuses and mafia throughout Italy, had issued an appeal asking people to wear, on July 7, a red t-shirt [19659003]. The goal of "A red shirt to stop the bleeding of humanity" was to remember the children who died at sea and support the reception of migrants. An initiative that goes against the policy of Matteo Salvini, who announced a few days ago a tightening of humanitarian protection concessions.

The Interior Minister responds to the veiled attack on him by a Facebook post, in which he writes, in the post scriptum, which however did not go unnoticed as he was sorry "I have not even found a red shirt at home to show today" .

The provocation of the owner of the Viminale does not remain long without an answer. In fact, the replica of Don Luigi Ciotti arrives from the Immaculate Square of San Lorenzo in Rome. The creator of the initiative promises that he will personally bring the T-shirt to Viminale, if the head of the League wants to accept a meeting, adding that we should arrange an interview, "for we put in the place a little bit of the other because it is important to think, to ask questions even in diversity "

Now it is the turn of Matteo Salvini: Given the shot and the answer of those hours, now it's up to him to answer

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