Lula remains in prison. This was decided by the president of the regional court of Porto Alegre, Carlos Thompson Flores, giving reason to the federal judge Joao Pedro Gebran Neto, who blocked yesterday the order of liberation of the former Brazilian president issued by Rogerio Favreto, magistrate of service in the same court.
The scrap is exacerbated on the possible release of Luis Inacio Lula da Sulva: Rogerio Favreto, the judge of Porto Alegre who ordered a few hours ago to release the former president repeated the same order and gave one now to Curitiba police to release Lula, declaring the judgment of his decision by magistrate Joao Pedro Neto Gebran invalid.
In his new order, Favreto warns that if Lula – imprisoned from April to Curitiba to serve a 12-year sentence for corruption and retraining – will not be published by 17.04 (22.05 in Italy) the local authorities would be in a situation of contempt of court. Favreto also points out that his decision "is not subordinate in any way" to the authority of Joao Pedro Gebran Neto, the magistrate who blocked his previous release order.
The tension in Brazil increases because of the fight with the judicial arm on the possible release of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva: the supporters of the former president summon street protests, while the authorities have measures of exceptional security. The two focal points of the tension are the headquarters of the Federal Regional Court of Porto Alegre – where Judge Rogerio Favreto has repeatedly ordered the release of Lula- and the Federal Police Command in Curitiba, where the 39; former president is jailed since April last year, serving a 12-year sentence for bribery and money laundering. "The time is up and the police do not obey the provisions of justice: it is NOT RIGHT!", Announced on Twitter Senator Lindbergh Farias, of the Workers' Party (Pt), while Hundreds of protesters are concentrated in Porto Alegre, supporting Judge Favreto. In Curitiba, authorities deployed riot control units, supported by armored vehicles and a helicopter, around the police headquarters where Lula is held, and concentrations are also reported outside the headquarters of the San Bernardo dos Campos Metallurgical Union. in the suburbs of San Paolo, where the former president had fled in April, before surrendering to the authorities.
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