Brazil-Mexico 2-0, Neymar and Firmino scored.


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  Party of Brazil after the goal of Neymar. Afp

Brazil after the goal of Neymar Afp

Mexico lasts 25 minutes, then Brazil goes out and for Tricolor at night, no goal, but in these times and in this world it is enough Neymar n & n Did not join Muller, Messi, Ronaldo and Iniesta on vacation in Formentera No, he stayed in Russia, scored the winning goal and brought his to the quarterfinals, Friday at 20h in Kazan against Belgium-winner Japan.At the end ends Firmino games (entered in the second half), the third consecutive green 2-0, a guarantee now.For Osorio some regrets: they were more exploited and better these super 25 "initial in which sound they had the dance of greenery

45 "double-sided
Ready, leave and immediately a surprising Mexico that goes to a thousand and discovers a greenish defect with fast and accurate openings and these three l before (Layun missing in the early 45's, but Lozano, Vela and Hernandez enough and advance) ready to hurt Alisson. And they simply can not do it, only the accuracy in the last pbad is missing. Brazil suffers, or simply studies the adversary. Indeed from 25th Neymar enters the match with a serpentine sound and another game: the Tricolor is buried half way in search of the good rebound (which does not happen no) and Brazilians closer to Ochoa and dangerous: the goalkeeper for what comes, but Coutinho and Gabriel Jesus should adjust the goal of being deadly at these levels. At 45 toujours still 0-0 but the audience of Samara applauds the show.

Gloria Neymar
In the second half Osorio changes, inside Layun for Marquez but the new entry does not go, as usual, on the trocar, it sits on the right wing , back: for a very specific reason, Alvarez, owner of the role, has already warned the bad Neymar, better move him in the middle. But not enough, now Brazil has shifted and at 6 going from the front with Willian's split on the left, the perfect cross and the winning goal of Neymar (under the eyes of 39). Al Thani, Emir of Qatar and owner of Psg). The awakening of Chelsea's attacking midfielder after a first soporific time caused the change of green rhythm. Osorio changes again, try with Jonathan dos Santos, while Tite loses for quarterfinals Casemiro, warned (was in suspicion). Willian continues his personal show but Ochoa is the last to give up and continues to reject what he can. In the final minutes (and after a hint of fighting for Layim's unpunished shot at Neymar), Mexico is trying to rebademble but this solid Brazil and with Thiago Silva, Miranda and Alisson are struggling to score. In the final, inevitable, comes the goal of the usual 2-0 "green gold" with the umpteenth pearl of Neymar, turned into gold by Firmino (just entered) after contact with Ochoa. The tricolor spring and on the terraces – at the final whistle of the Italian Rocchi – Samba leaves.


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