Brazil, the Court of Appeal orders the release of Lula


Another twist on the Lula affair. A Brazilian court has ordered the release of the former Brazilian president who is serving a 12-year sentence for bribery and money laundering. The team of lawyers of the former Brazilian president had asked to be released until the examination of the appeal. According to the judge, who granted him the "habeas corpus", there is no reason why Lula can not wait outside the prison for the resolution of his appeal.

Lula, who despite the arrest leads the elections Brazilian presidential elections with 30% of the vote, announced his decision to participate in the elections on October 7th.

Judge Sergio Moro, who condemned the former president for corruption in the first instance, opposes the release of the founder of the Workers' Party (PT), declaring that the magistrate who ruled that & # 39; 39, he is not competent. The decision was made by one of the judges of the Regional Federal Court of the 4th region, Porto Alegre, the court of appeal that had gone from 9 years and 6 months to 12 years and a month the prison sentence against the former president, on the corruption charge. It is Judge Rogério Favreto, who has decided to accept an application for habeas corpus made on Friday by several PT deputies. The news of the release order are also published on Lula's official profile on Twitter.