Brazil, tug of war between the courts: "Release Lula in an hour"


"Ultimatum" of the magistrate of Porto Alegre: if the former president will not be released will be contempt of court

Favreto: "If you will be not released, contempt of justice " – In his new order, Favreto warns that if Lula, who was detained in Curitiba from April to serve a 12-year sentence for bribery and money laundering. money, will not be released from the local authorities would be in a situation of contempt of justice. also points out that his decision "is not subordinate in any way" to the authority of Joao Pedro Gebran Neto, the magistrate who blocked his previous order of liberation

Favreto and the appeal to the release of Lula: "Violation of his political rights" – Rogerio Favreto is the same judge who confirmed the sentence of 12 years of Lula: in service this Sunday, he accepted an appeal presented Friday by three deputies Labor Party ( Pt), and ordered the release of the former president. According to Favreto, the fact that Lula is locked up in a police cell in Curitiba is a violation of her political rights, as she is "pre-candidate" of her party for the elections next October.

Moro: "incompetent on the case" – The three deputies who presented the appeal immediately went to Curitiba to demand the release of Lula, but the police refused to prosecute, following the instructions of the PM of anti-corruption investigations, Sergio Moro. Although he was on holiday abroad, the prosecutor actually stated that the magistrate of Porto Alegre was "totally incompetent" to handle the case and objected to the release from the former president.

Judge Neto, Suspended Suspended – While political tension grew in the media and social media, Joao Pedro Gebran Neto intervened, the federal magistrate in charge of anti-corruption investigations, and in particular the one for which he was sentenced Lula, who blocked the liberation order

In a brief order, Gebran Neto ordered that "to avoid further confusion", and taking into account that the decision of Favreto can be examined by the judge competent in the case, ie even the police of Curitiba must "refrain from any action that modifies the collegiate sentence" of the court of Porto Alegre, which confirmed to the second degree the guilt of Lula and ordered the imprisonment

Therefore , formally, Gebran Neto did not reject the order of release, but suspended it until he made a decision, but pointed out that there are already several contrary decisions, taken at the regional level, Federal and even by the Supreme Federal Court (Stf)

The political conflict between the Brazilian courts – This intense judicial drama of the Sunday left a new trace of the political clash that runs through the Brazilian courts: anti-Lula accuse a magistrate of wanting to take advantage of a custody duty to release a convict only because he politically supports him and that the pro-Lula denounce that a prosecutor pursued re fuse to obey an order given by a superior. And the battle, of course, does not stop there.

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