Brazil, Turin lawyer killed by his friend a month ago: until now, he had kept the body at home


He had met her a tURINwhere he lived and decided to move with her Brazil in June. but Cléa Fernanda Máximo he confessed to killing his boyfriend, the 48-year-old lawyer Carlo Cicchelli, with whom he lived in the city of Maceiò. In addition, he kept his body in a closed house for 40 days and used his mobile phone to send money to relatives in Italy. The family members of the victim had announced his death on October 31, with no more news from him for more than a month.

The two were together for 5 or 6 years and knew each other when Clea was near Cicchelli at tURIN. The lawyer had abandoned her career and had first gone to live with this woman in another Italian city, and then moved to Brazil in June of this year. "We fall in love and we end up dead in a plastic bag, we told him that this woman was not normal, but when we are lover he does not want to hear the reasons, "he says, helpless, Antonio, the brother of the victim. The last time the family heard Carlo by phone it was September 25th. "So nothing more, only messages asking me for money." By September 28, he wanted 2,500 euros: an episode that he'd had me suspiciousbecause two days later, my brother should go back to tURIN"Said Antonio Cicchelli again.

Family members insisted that the lawyer make a video call to confirm that he was fine. Do not receive one reply, relatives reported the disappearance of the man on October 31 to the carabineros of Turin. At the end, Cléa Fernanda Máximo he admitted that he had sent messages to family members and killed Cicchelli. According to the Brazilian website Gazetaweb, the police found the body of the lawyer in the house of his girlfriend in the neighborhood Ponta Grossa de Maceió. The woman told the agents that she had killed the Italian with several stab wounds. According to common knowledge, Carlo stated that his girlfriend often spoke to him about voodoo ritualsand once the two had quarreled and she did not hesitate to point a knife on her throat.

When the teams of police I came to residence, found the body of the lawyer in an advanced state of putrefaction, for which it is thought that the murder was committed 40 days ago. The body was entrusted to a team ofInstitute of Forensic Medicine (Iml) from Brazil, for autopsy and badysis. Carlo Cicchelli leaves two children aged 11 and 13 years old from an earlier relationship. "He was an extraordinary person, a brilliant man, of boundless generosity" and who "loved life," said the lawyer. Chiara Moro, former colleague of Cicchelli. "What happened to him is upsetting". The Italian consulate Recife, in close connection with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the local authorities, he is following the case very closely.

(photo taken from Facebook)

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