Brescia, not even molecular dogs find traces of autistic disappearance of 12 years ago six days ago


Searching Iuschra Autistic disappearance of 12 years at Serle in the province of Brescia Thursday at lunch time at the 39, a trip with other disabled children. In the vast area where the research lasted six days, the molecular dogs of a Dutch rescue unit arrived in Pacengo, in the Verona region, to do some research, a seventeen-year-old Dutchman found dead yesterday afternoon. The prefect Annunziato Vardè announced the continuation of research.

"Fobap Onlus and Anffas Brescia Onlus express their sincere thanks to the women and men of the state, regional and territorial institutions, volunteers, Serle residents who generously commit themselves and tirelessly in research by Iuschra Gazi ": the founding authors who were with the girl write it in a note. "We believe that at this moment silence is a form of respect towards the family with whom we share pain and hope.We also thank the media operators who, with few exceptions – it is written – treat the case with correction and sensitivity "

" It's an impenetrable territory, I know it well, it's easy to get lost and in the dark, end up in one of the holes, but there are also many safer shelters and all the caves do not represent a danger like the one where I was trapped. "Anna Bonini is the speleologist from Brescia who was stuck for more than 48 hours in 2011 in one of Cariadeghe di Serle caves, the same plateau where Iuschra disappeared, and so describes the area where she is looking for the autistic 12-year-old deceased Thursday morning Bonini was injured and could not go out, there was a big mobi It took a lot of effort for her and her outing, with various rescue teams taking turns working non-stop.

"My story is clearly different from that of the girl, if she really found herself in a cave I imagine your fear – says the woman – Even if you go for a walk, you can get lost, but there are a lot of points where you can fix yourself. "" I do not know the details well – he continues – I can only hope that they find it quickly and I suggest anything. " the world a great confidence. "

In November 2011, Anna, then 36 years old, was making an expedition with a group of friends and was stuck at 250 meters deep, as wounded, in the Omber of zel bus, in the local dialect of Brescia near the ice hole, a cave that extends over 20 km with a difference in height of 400 meters.It had slipped, fracturing ankle, impossible for her to move , dangerous for her friends to try to pull her out with her arms. "It's definitely one of the most fascinating roads and the most difficult – he remembers – but there are many shallower crevbades and therefore less dangerous. "

One of the friends went out to ring the alarm. The emergency car has moved. The news has become national and many have discovered an unknown corner of Italy, a karst plateau where the water of the rock has created quite particular morphologies, with cavities that can be traversed by speleologists, often consist of true vertical wells. To reach Anna and then take her on a stretcher, several alpine rescue and speleology teams worked, indulging themselves, in the narrow pbadages. With an average of 10 hours to 100 meters. "They were my heroes, I had never been afraid of them," said Anna as soon as she was brought to the surface on November 15 at 7 am. "I really hope – he concludes now – that even the misadventure for this child has the same happy ending."

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