Brexit: Dairy products could become luxury goods in the UK


(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 18 – Butter, yogurt and cheese could become luxury goods in Britain after Brexit. The Guardian reports it on the basis of a report from the London School of Economics that points out that the price of dairy products could increase due to delays in factory-to-table shipments.

Great Britain, the English paper reminds us, does not produce enough milk to meet the demand and thus creates dependence on the EU, coming from countries that have a surplus milk like Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium and Denmark. Research conducted by the London School of Economics, commissioned by the companies Lurpak, Anchor and Arla, also pointed out that typical cheeses could be rare after Brexit, with an increase in costs regardless of the outcome of the exit negotiations. Imported dairy products mean that there will be a major impact on the supply chain, most likely we will see product shortages and a sharp rise in prices and a transformation of staples like butter, yogurt, cheese and infant formula in luxury, "says Guardian Ash Amirahmadi, British director of Arla Foods.

According to research, small cheese producers in France and Italy could find their products uncompetitive in UK stores, generating a shortage and a consequent increase in prices (ANSA).

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