Brexit, May: "I will lead the negotiations with the EU" And the government seeking a consensus increases the state wage


" I will lead negotiations with the European Union". With these words Theresa May formalized the decision to take direct control of the negotiations of Brexit entered now in the last few months and still in a very delicate phase. This is read in a written statement by the Prime Minister to Parliament, which states that May badumes "overall responsibility for the preparation and conduct of negotiations" with Brussels, giving it a crucial role in defining strategies Ollie Robbins while being represented as MP at the bargaining table with the EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier by the new Minister for Brexit, Dominic Raab . The same Raab had already explicitly stated in recent days to the Municipalities, immediately after the meeting, to have accepted a role of deputiveness to the Prime Minister at this stage on the crucial issue of Brexit. David Davis .

In her communication, May informs Parliament that Raab and the Brexit Ministry will continue to oversee the introduction of the new post-Brexit legislation in the new "White Paper on the release of the EU, definitely approved in recent weeks, as well as the preparation of action plans to be taken "in agreement with Brussels, both no deal ", or in the event that the negotiations do not end with an agreement During the negotiations in Brussels, the minister will limit himself to represent the prime minister and follow the directives On both fronts, there is "the support of the European unity "established at Downing Street under the direction of Robbins, a highly experienced senior official who will also play a leading role in the definition of the trading platform."

Raab himself was confronted today to an audience of the committee during which several members, including the Labor opposition, asked him to give concrete indications of the plans of the Conservative government in the face of the dreaded hypothesis of a no deal : badumption that May insists that he does not want to, but that he now admits – as well as Brussels – be possible. The Minister then explained in a written note the stages of the implementation of the EU withdrawal law which was to take effect from 29 March 2019 Brexit's officialization date, reaffirming the goal of a "smooth" exit from the EU as per the white paper's guidance. Which also predicts that London will remain subject to EU legislation until the end of 2020 . Maintaining the dominance of EU and UK laws "is needed" during the "transition period", says the document according to the Financial Times.

Meanwhile, the government seeks to regain the consensus and formalizes some salary in public employment made possible by the recent abolition of the ceiling of the increase of 1 % introduced at the time under David Cameron in the name of austerity. In total, more than one million people will benefit: between teachers who will receive increases of 3.5%, military (+ 2.9% on average) and Prisoners Guards (+ 2.75%). Previously, a first enlargement of the belt had already been announced, but only for public health (NHS), police and part of the school system

According to BBC those shown today are the most substantial salary increases in the public sector of England and Wales for 10 years . And they will be funded by the relevant ministries, not with new treasury funds. Unions and the opposition remain lukewarm and demand a general 5% increase just to recover the loss of purchasing power caused by austerity since 2010.

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